Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2006-05-20 || List Hat Trick, Mraz, & The Bachelor

It's been Listmania weekend over here as I managed to knock THREE things off in 24 hours. It's about time, as I've been getting quite lax about completing tasks lately. But not this weekend! Here's what I crossed off:

91. Have a girls night out with the complete set of close girlfriends.

FINALLY! We tried to get all of us together before, but we were missing Liz. However, we changed the rules a little and managed to all get together for a Girls Day In this afternoon.

We had all 5 of us plus a 14-month old cutie. (That's me, Rachel, Rachel's son Reed, Liz, Kris, and Lucy) We did the usual of chatting, playing board games, laughing a WHOLE lot, and eating, of course. However, this time I cooked. Let me say that again: I COOKED. Me, the girl who is notoriously so bad at cooking that she can't even make macaroni or scrambled eggs. Liz had to take a picture of the event just to prove its existence. She also commanded that she'd better see the picture on here, so here you go:

I'm not completely hopeless in the kitchen, though. (Well, don't ask my brother about the brown eggs incident.) There are two things that I can make, so they made up the menu today: hot dogs and meatball sandwiches. The hot dogs come courtesy of my handy-dandy hot dog roller that everyone makes fun of, but damn if it doesn't make good hot dogs!

(The only reason that I can make hot dogs on the rollers is because it used to be part of my job when I worked in the snack bar of a summer theater during high school. I am the MASTER of the rollers, baby. I love Lucy's boyfriend's comment when she told him about my roller thing: "Of course she would have that." HA!)

Our little luncheon also afforded me the opportunity to cross off #46: Use my Ronald McDonald drinking glasses that are currently sitting in a box in the basement:

Aww yeah. I love those things.

Finally, with great trepidation, I also knocked off #66: Bake a dessert:

Caramel Apple Dessert Squares, courtesy of BettyCrocker.com. (Admittedly, there were recipes there whose instructions seemed to me like I was reading Chinese.) Anyway, the best part? The dessert squares were actually GOOD. Yay! (The last time I attempted to make a non-box mix dessert, I made a triple-layer chocolate cake that ended up being a half-layer. It was not pretty, people.) So all in all, a quite successful and fun day (successful being the fact that no one threw up).


In other news, Frito was able to score us some tickets to the sold out Jason Mraz concert the other night, and I'm so glad he did, because the concert was amazing. I've been wanting to see Mr. Mraz for a while now, but have never gotten a chance to. If you like him even a smidgen, I HIGHLY recommend his live show as his voice is flawless. He played for about an hour and forty-five minutes, and he is adorable and hilarious in his banter between songs. At one point he went off on a tangent about singing Man in the Mirror when he was younger that had me doubled over laughing. He completely rocks.

I took some video clips from some songs at the show, so if you want to see them, you can watch them all here.

What didn't rock about the concert, though, was the opening act. The show was at a casino, so thankfully Frito and I were otherwise engaged at the tables and machines before the show so we only caught the last 2 or 3 songs from the opening act. I don't even remember the name of the band, it was something like Big City Rock or something - all I know that it was the LOUDEST concert I have ever witnessed. I don't know what was going on, but it was ridiculous. Mraz wasn't half as loud as these people. Frito and I just kept laughing because there were 3 people around us just sitting there with their fingers plugging their ears:

One girl even had a shirt wrapped around her head, covering her ears. It was hilarious. The woman sitting next to Frito yelled to him that it was "the loudest effing concert I've ever seen, and I saw Pantera here!" Here's a short video clip of the band, but it does the absurd volume no justice. Just multiply that by a million. At one point, the singer was talking and ramblin something about this being "2000sick!" and Frito and I just turned to each other and rolled our eyes:

PAM: This is making me 2000sick.

FRITO: This is 2000suck.

Aside from the opening act debacle, though, the show was amazing. Like I said before, if you get a chance, check out the Mraz - you won't be disappointed.


Finally, I've been hit by Pandora karma after yesterday's entry where I made fun of Lucy's questionable song pop-ups. Since then, I ended up with the random appearance of Carly Simon's Haven't Got Time For The Pain, which, you know - Carly Simon is cool and all, but I have no idea why that particular song would come up based on my artist picks. The worst came yesterday when I was putting away some clothes and was aurally assaulted by a horrible "noise" (it can't even be called a song) blaring forth from my speakers. When I came over to the computer to see what it was, I discovered Pandora playing a song by BOB GUINEY (or, as Jessica awesomely puts it, "Bachelor Bob, That Asshole."). WHY the Guiney? WHY?!! I hastily told Pandora, "No more of that shit!" and found solace in some Jamie Cullum. But still - Guiney? I felt like I needed to shower after even hearing a few seconds of it. Here's to hoping I get some better things this weekend.... NO MORE GUINEY!!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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