Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-03-22 || Karaoke Overload!


Where to begin? Things have been a little crazy and hectic here the last few days, but mostly in the good way. My St. Patrick's Day was completely fabulous, which is all I'm going to say about that, and the next day I managed to knock 3 things off of the list. I hit the mall after work and bowed at the feet of Victoria's Secret for coming up with a new perfect underwear bottom after they discontinued my old kind (#4!). Then, in an amazing feat I found a bathing suit that fit me and didn't look ridiculous. You don't even know how crazy THAT is. But I think the best list activity came Friday night, when we headed up to Boston for some karaoke and I finally got to do my duet with Shmuel:

We decided on You're The One That I Want, simply because I wanted to hear Shmuel say, "It's ELECTRIFYING!" Let me tell you, it did not disappoint.

I told Shmuel to play it up, which he did well - just the right amount. I, on the other hand, may have gotten a little TOO into it:

But it was a fun night all around. Jerry and Liz tagged along and the lovely Sassy joined us:

Here she is rocking I Kissed a Girl, which led to the meatheads in the gym pants that were at the table next to us to shout, "NIIIIIICE!" 12 much?

Anyway, the night was full of laughs, hair-petting, surprise cleavage, a JournalCon shout out phone call to Pratt, and some bad, bad singing. Some of it was so bad that it caused Sassy to hide under the table:

That may have been during a particularly PAINFUL duet of Bohemian Rhapsody that made half of the people in the place go outside "to get some air." It was horrific.

Then Sassy and I decided we'd like a picture of the two of us, which led to this exchange with poor cameraman Jerry:

"We look drunk. I look stupid. Take another."

"It can't be all set, the flash didn't go off."

"Don't let go of the button."

"Why are you letting go of the button? What are you doing?"

"I'm telling you, there is NO flash! I don't even think you're taking pictures. You're fired!"

"NO! The button! No, hold it in! Let it go! NO! What are you doing???!!!"

Ah, success! We finally got the flash back on, but poor Jerry having to listen to us for 5 minutes straight. But it was all good, as Jerry was just happy to be there to finally meet the legend that is Shmuel:

And this concludes the awesome portion of the evening. When we left karaoke, we found that the on-ramp to the highway was closed, so we ended up in a bumper-to-bumper detour that took us ALL the way through Boston to pick up the highway on the other side. Oh yes, and along the way we were rear-ended, which reawakened a bad neck injury in Jerry. Total time to get to the highway? An hour and a half. Just to get to the on-ramp - then it was still an hour ride home. Overheard in the car that night? "I'm NEVER coming to Boston again." I think Shmuel summed it up best with this reply when I told him about Mr. Toad's Wild Ride Home: "Oy."


Saturday night was a living 'Thank You' to the always marvelous and hysterical Djb and his 6-part series with pamie over on pamie.com about the genius that is the Karaoke Revolution video game. Djb's review is of the Playstation 2 version, which looks a little better, but I was able to convince my brother that he needed the game for his Xbox. He picked it up on Saturday and we played for 6 1/2 hours that night. It is SO addictive. By the end of the night, we were both having trouble talking, but we couldn't stop playing!

One of the main lessons learned while playing the game is that you have to check any existing talent you have at the door and also any hopes of sounding good for most of the time when you play. It's much harder than I thought it would be, especially since it has some songs that I do at karaoke and I found that I couldn't add any flair to them like I normally do or I would lose points. Then there is the matter of the greatest feature of the game, the random song round. Oh, you never know what the game is going to throw at you. I screeched my way through the Jackson 5's I Want You Back, which is a MUCH harder song than I thought it was. The next random song round delivered my one fatal "SONG FAILED!" performance of the night, which was I've Got You Under My Skin. Normally I am Queen Torch Song, but the only line I knew in the song was the title. Other than that I had NO idea how the song went. My poor character ended up crying on her knees in the middle of the song when the crowd all left and the song abruptly ended. But the greatest moment of the random song rounds came when my brother was forced to sing Waiting For Tonight. I think I can now die a happy woman having seen my brother sing J. Lo.

I can't wait to play again.

(Seriously, I don't think I can recommend this game enough. Djb and pamie weren't lying. It RULES!)

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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