Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-05-10 || Love, Exciting And New....

I have a very special announcement to make: I'm in love!

This new love burns hot and bright. I don't remember the last time that I felt this way. How silly of me to have thought that I had so much love for The Boy. I was so foolish and naive back then. Now I know the truth, for I have found my ain true love: CVS Gold Emblem Absolutely Divine Double Fudge Creme Cookies. Oh, just seeing my love's name like that is making me tingle inside. It feels like my first schoolgirl crush back in elementary school, when I went steady with Fudgetown cookies (or as I liked to call them, "Belly-Button cookies"). Those little bags of six cookies each brought me such joy for so long until one day they just up and left me. No warning, no words. I was crushed. Devastated. I became so desperate for them that I went out searching like a madwoman. I went to all of the places that I would normally find them, but found nothing but barren shelves and Keebler wannabes. I still get a little misty thinking about it. Every so often I'll find myself waking up, moaning desperately, "Fuuuuudgetoooown...." My cries are never answered.

I think I know why now. I needed to move on. Forget the past, that was years and years ago. Oh man, now that I think about it, it was probably about 15 or 16 years ago. I never knew a heart could break and yearn for so long. I guess I tried to mask the pain by turning to boys. Once again, how foolish, for now I know that my love can only be won by the likes of a double chocolate cookie. Sure, I tried my share of similar cookies over the years as well, but they were never as good. They just left me cold. But for some reason on that fateful day a few months ago, I decided to take a chance on love again. Can you hear Barry? Can you hear him crooning? "Aaaaand...I'm...ready to take a chance again, ready to put my love on the line with yoooouuuuu...." Sing Barry, SING!!!

Oh, CVS Double Fudge Creme Cookies, it was love at first bite. And yes, I know that reminds you of the cheesy George Hamilton spoof that I remember thinking was brilliant when I was 8 years old, but it's true. Ever since we met, I can't get enough of you. You have filled a void in my life that I thought would never be whole again. Let my friends mock me and scrunch up their noses at the idea of "drugstore cookies" - their minds sure changed when I gave them a little taste of you. But they can't have you, for you are all mine. Every box in every store - MINE. Let's make this love last forever, baby. As God is my witness, I will never be hungry again! Much love -- Pam

Seriously? These cookies are ridiculously good. I go through 2 packages a week. SO good. Find them. Buy them. Love them. But save some for me.


In other randomness, I've got a work-related horror story. I know I've been complaining a lot lately about not really having any interesting co-workers, and this should give a good example of that. These are the kind of people that surround me daily: during the May breakfast last week, a woman from my unit started going on and on about Tom Hanks, and was telling everyone at our table that he is in a new movie where he's playing Forrest Gump again. She said that it's a sequel to Forrest Gump, and that Forrest is a little bit older this time. She kept going on and on about it, and had everyone else at the table all excited about seeing it. After about 3 minutes of horror, I finally broke in and blurted out, "Are you talking about Ladykillers?" She pointed and said, "Yes, that's the one!" I didn't know whether or not to just let everyone go see the movie and be angry later, or if I should just dash their dreams right then. I decided that I didn't really want any part of the anger, so I had to gently tell everyone that Tom Hanks was not, in fact, playing Forrest Gump again and that he was actually playing a bank robber. Apparently, any time Tom Hanks adopts a southern accent now, he will be Forrest Gump. I was unaware of this until last week. Good to know. You know, sometimes I really want to weep for these poor souls.

You know what will cure my sorrow? COOKIES!!!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Quddus
I never watch regular MTV that much anymore, but he is FINE!

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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