Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-05-24 || Movies make me cry. Shut up.

Oh man, this week has just been a total blur. I'm just starting to relax and get my bearings today. I'm mad because I just had to actually leave the house to get lunch. I'm such a lazy ass. And I can't cook. I need to find a man who is willing to be my bitch and do all household chores or get an Alice. Those Bradys didn't know how lucky they were. That woman did everything! Making 2 cakes for if the team won or lost? Above and beyond the call of duty. I want an Alice!!!!!

At least I finally caught up on some sleep this morning. I stayed up entirely too late all week. I had the big Season Finale Tuesday to deal with. I wasn't going to stay up and watch everything, but I couldn't stop. And I cried and cried watching most of the shows. Let me explain one thing, though. I am a TV and movie crier. I cry in everything. I even sometimes cry at the theater and concerts. And the funny thing is, I'm not a big crier in general at all. Pretty much about the only time I do cry outside of monumental circumstances is during TV and movies and such. The Wonder Years? Almost every episode. Felicity? Same thing. And forget Forrest Gump and Untamed Heart. Those are my 2 worst crying movies. But I enjoy the crying. It's a good release sometimes. It's strangely calming even. Sometimes if I'm in the mood I'll pop in something to watch that will lead to a good cry. This week, it all began with Buffy. Oh Buffy, you've served us well. And to Joss Whedon, you may continue living now as you did not kill Giles. Thank you. As I was already in crying mode from Buffy, I moved on to American Idol, which I DO have to say normally does not make me cry. But damn you Clay and your 'Bridge Over Troubled Water.' And I HATE that song. But you got me. Then I was also hooting and hollering because he just kicked some serious ass with that. Then it was onto The Gilmore Girls, where I already could tell from the commercials that I was going to be a'crying. Fortunately, I'm not that pathetic, as I made it through Smallville tear-free. Maybe it was because I kept yelling at the TV the whole time, "When is Clark's shirt going to rip open? C'mon, I saw it on the commercials, dammit!" That and, "Ooh, Clark in the white t-shirt (drooooooooool)" and "Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex...." Ah, I love boys.

I should have gone to bed Wednesday night after American Idol, but then Lucy and I got on the phone and had to discuss and ramble. I think the first ten minutes of our conversation consisted of us hurling insults at contestants and impersonating Ruben's pastor and his high voice. Yes, we're horrible people. But damn, c'mon, you know that voice was funny.

Last night I successfully avoided my curse once again in the bathroom of a local pool hall. One door didn't lock at all, and the other two were questionable. Lucky I'm on my toes at all times. But I always manage to find something to laugh at in public bathrooms. I seriously don't know what is wrong with me. One time I was laughing for almost ten minutes after shooting this foam hand soap all over the place. My sleeve was covered. Those dispensers should come with warnings! Last night I was thankful that I was the only one in the bathroom at the time, because I couldn't get enough of the hand dryer. I heard some strange noise coming from the sink area when I was in the stall, which got me curious and already laughing a little. I was really wondering what was going on. Then I come out and see the hand dryer. It had some extreme sports-like name that I can't remember right now, but it was hard-core. The minute you put your hands under this thing, gusts of hot air that would knock a person 40 feet started shooting out. I imagine it's sort of like the same feeling you get when you're sky-diving. My skin was quivering, begging for mercy. And of course, there I was standing there, laughing hysterically. I'm such a spaz.

I don't even know where I was going with all of this. Typical. I think I'll go enjoy my 3-day weekend and my recuperation from such a strange week. I'm going to a friend's house tonight for takeout and bad movies. Do you think Santa Claus vs. The Martians will make me cry? God, I hope not.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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