Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-10-31 || Halloween Madness!

I'm supposed to be designing the programs for the play right now, but I am full on living in Procrastination Nation. I had an awesome Halloween-y weekend, so I figured I'd share some pictures from that instead. Beware: Nun Clown photos ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you. Shall we?

Friday night I headed up to Shmuel's karaoke place again. It's in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is just outside of Boston. They were already gearing up for the big Red Sox Rally parade. Sassy was fearful of the Nun Clown, and I really didn't want to drive all that way in the outfit, so I opted for the naughty schoolgirl costume that night.

Sassy was thrilled to finally erase the karaNOke from JournalCon. Here we are having our mini-JournalCon reunion:

Speaking of Sassy, God bless her and the maker of the cell phone, because I ended up taking ONE wrong turn off the exit and ended up on a road to nowhere with no turnoffs. I was just driving and yelling to no one in particular, "Fenway Park? Where the HELL am I?" I ended up in downtown Boston going in the completely wrong direction, a slave to the one way streets and Masshole drivers. Seriously, they suck. Thankfully, Sassy got me turned around and navigated me back to where I needed to be. It only took me 40 minutes to get there after getting off of the exit instead of 5. Boston, I am shaking my fist at you right now! Also, because your parade preparation blocked off the entrance ramp to get back on the highway going home. I ended up somewhere in the financial district at 2 in the morning, following haphazard signs for the airport and the highway. Gah. At least I amused myself with silly songs. "I'm lost in Boston and I'm never getting home. Why are there a million and a half people still on the road at this time? Why is everyone cutting everyone off? Oh where oh where the HELL am I?" It's a jaunty little tune.

ANYway, Saturday night I fared better as the action was closer to home. Since my boy Eric (the originator of the Nun Clown) is studying abroad in Scotland this year, he gave me his blessing to keep the tradition alive in the states. It was my honor. At the same time, he was introducing the joys of Nun Clown to the Scots. She's international, baby!!! We ended up at karaoke once again, as that was one of the few places nearby that was having a costume event. I went with some folks from the play so we could blow off some steam and have fun before I make them all work like dogs tomorrow. DOGS!!!

Here's half of the cast. Man, that Nun Clown is totally creepy. But I warned you! That's Lucy in the mime get-up. She looked straight out of Starsky and Hutch. She was making me laugh the entire night just looking at her:

After singing Joan Osbourne's One of Us, the Nun Clown wanted to shake her booty!

Lucy is still killing me in that picture. Speaking of killing, I look like I'm going to be doing some here:

Either that, or grabbing some boobs.

You know, I've gotta give props to a guy who will be seen with me in the Nun Clown outfit and not be scared off by it. (I think he enjoyed the schoolgirl outfit better, though.) Still, gotta give the boy his due.

Happy Halloween, y'all. Eat oodles of chocolate for me!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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