Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-05-25 || Hooray for Santy Claus!
I love bad movies.

Oh, that Santa Claus Conquers the Martians was even better than I could have ever hoped. It even has its own theme song, "Hooray For Santa Claus" with on-screen lyrics at the end so you can all sing along! And the worst part? That freakin' song has been stuck in my head ALL morning. Make it stop. Please. I think I may have to look into adding this movie to my collection just for the scene where a polar bear chases 2 children around. Did I mention that it's someone in a cheesy bear suit? AWESOME. One of the main characters reads all of his lines off of cue cards or a teleprompter for the entire movie. He never once looks at anyone he's addressing. Oh man, it's just so so so bad, but SO good.

I usually go for the bad horror movies when I look for a so-bad-it's-good fix. My friends and I used to rent them and just laugh all night long. We've even figured out the key points that make the best bad horror movies. Some of the things to look for would be the obvious killed for having sex scene, broken glass shards, and the ever popular bratty kid brother. Bonus points for having a party in an old abandoned house/funeral home/building built over any ancient burial ground. Our favorite bad horror movie is Night of the Demons. They ended up making two sequels to it, but the first one is the best one. We were all excited because it came in an 'unrated' version, but then after viewing it, we couldn't understand why. In any event, it has all of the bad acting, resident jokesters, and key elements of a good bad horror movie. Plus, it has perhaps the greatest 'WTF???' scene of any movie, ever. A character has turned into a zombie demon and when someone finds her, she is writing all over herself with lipstick and then inexplicably pushes the lipstick tube into her nipple until it disappears inside. Then she just continues to look around, all spaced out. I don't know how many times we have had to rewind that scene to try to figure out what the hell it means, but we never do. That's classic cinema, my friends.

Oh no, now that song is coming back in my head. "Hang up that mistletoe, soon you'll say 'Ho Ho Ho'...." I need a drink.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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