Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-06-19 || The Boys of Rhode Island

While talking to the lovely Jessica last week, I mentioned a rule my friends and I have about groups of boys being out. Our rule, which I may try to pass through Congress some day, stipulates that for every 4 guys, there must be one good-looking one. It's a simple rule, yet sometimes a lot of boys break it. We also believe that any group that is in direct violation of the rule should have to pick up a cute stranger and drag him out with them all night just to even out the numbers. It's only fair, guys. We've heard about your "Good friend, Bad friend" thing with the girls. Anyway, Jessica brought up the point that 'cute' is a subjective thing, which is true. Our rule only applies if none of the girls in our group find any of the boys to be attractive. We then started talking about the boys in our respective states and comparing. This conversation gave birth to my adventure last night, which was to take pictures of a sampling of the boys of Rhode Island. Now we will have photographic proof on which to base our further discussions. Shall we?

I enlisted the help of my friend Liz and the famous Lucy to accompany me on my quest. We started out at "our bar" which actually happens to be a local TGIFriday's. But hey, we enjoy it there, and always meet interesting people. I actually met the Late Great Love of My Life there, so I've got to give it its props. Anyway, we then headed to a few more local bars. Since it was a nice night, we decided to head down by the water later in the evening, but by the time we got there they had a $5 cover charge and we were too cheap to pay that to drink overpriced beer and take pictures. We'll have to have a Part II of our night, where we will start down by the water and get in before the cover charges start. Then we'll be sure to have tons of pictures of Random Frat Boys. Anyway, even with that bump in the road, we still managed to hit 4 different places to offer a sampling, and we had an absolute blast. Here are some pictures from our adventures:

First of all, here we are before starting our night. That's Liz on the left and Lucy in the middle. The first thing my mother would say upon seeing this picture is, "Why do you always have to make a face?"

They're renovating Friday's right now, and Lucy was joking that these signs made it look like a haunted house. ENTER IF YOU DARE!!! That's nothing, you should have seen the scary bathrooms in there. They're also being renovated, so the stalls have temporary wooden doors on them that are a little on the short side. If someone was to peek under to chcek to see if the stall was occupied, she'd be seeing a LOT more than feet. Yikes.

I didn't even notice the random woodie that showed up in this picture until I downloaded it. Leave it to Rhode Island.

And now, without further ado, I present to you The Boys of Rhode Island, Part I -

This was the first group of boys we encountered. The one making the hand signals? Yeah, he's actually from California. That's a 'West Coast' sign he's making. Lucy said it was a good thing we weren't comparing the personalities of the boys when she saw that.

This was my favorite group of the night. They were a lot of fun to talk to. They also think we owe them a round of drinks if we win. I'm game. One of my friends is still mad at herself for being too shy to come over to the table with me because her interest was piqued by the one in the middle. I later scolded her for forgetting what her new mantra should be when faced with the challenge of talking to a boy: "What would Pam do?"

That's our pal Joe in the middle. He sings a mean Because I Got High at karaoke.

These guys would only pose if some of us were in the picture. Sorry to cut you in half, Liz! The one looking at her looked like a gangly James Spader.

The guy on the right had on the greatest shoes I have ever seen.

And finally, the greatest guy of the night - Bobby, or as I like to call him, Frank Zappa:

He ROCKED. And he'd also like all of the ladies out there to know that he's single, has no baggage, and likes to go to Boston and got to the museums and Symphony Hall. Let's hook a brother up!

So that's a little sampling of The Boys of Rhode Island. Enjoy! Ladies, sign the guestbook and let us know who your favorites are - the boys are dying to know.

Comments? Sign the book!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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