Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-09-27 || Cel-Ray vs. Blocksuckster - Which is More Evil?
I drank one of the most disgusting things I've ever had in my life last night. Cel-Ray. It's celery soda. Yes, celery soda. And yes, it's as disgusting as it sounds. My friend Jerry keeps trying to push it one me whenever I go to his house, so I finally caved and said I would try it. I made the mistake of smelling it first. It was unholy. I do have to say, though, that it did smell just like celery. It tasted like ass. Well, what I imagine ass would taste like. I don't understand who would just say to themselves one day, "You know what would taste good in carbonated form? Some celery juice. Mmm-hmm." No. Just no. It's ew. Total EWWWWW. I'm doing you a favor here, stay away from the Cel-Ray.

Adding to the horror of the Cel-Ray yesterday, I actually sat through an episode of The Sharon Osbourne Show. It's...um...it's...well...it's just bad. Really bad. And I like Sharon on The Osbournes, but she's just not cut out for the talk show world. Mrs. O? Mrs. NO. The show looked even worse watching it after The Ellen DeGeneres Show, which is quite entertaining. Yay Ellen! I wish I was home during the day more often so I could watch it more. Good stuff. Later on last night I stumbled upon Jimmy Kimmel Live. I started thinking that Sharon Osbourne's show was looking a WHOLE lot better at that point. Yikes. Thankfully, I saved my sanity by switching over to Conan just in time to see a bit showcasing The Hearing Impaired Dog Channel. It may have been a mixture of my madness from all of the bad TV and the late hour, but I was howling with laughter. The little dog doing the sign language was one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. Thank you Conan for saving me and showing me that there is still good in the world. [sigh]

Finally, please slap me the next time I go to my local Blocksuckster. I hate that place so much. I was sick yesterday, so I just wanted to go to the closest video store. This is the place that doesn't carry a lot of classic popular films from my youth. Fast Times at Ridgemont High? Nope. Say Anything? Sorry. Better Off Dead? You must be joking. The Little Mermaid? Don't have it. I think if someone never returned a movie, they never bothered to replace it. I hate it. The Donnie Darko DVD has been "rented" for about five months now. Ooh, I hate that place, yet I continue to go there and anger myself. Yesterday I asked the woman waiting on me when Bend It Like Beckham was coming out. She didn't know so she asked her co-worker. Then she said, "People keep asking about that. What is it? I've never even heard of it. What's it about?" I almost smacked her upside the head. This woman has been working at the video store for a long time now, too. Why would she want to work there if she doesn't know anything about movies??? I forgot which other movie she had never heard of another time, but it was embarrassing. Why would she get a job there? That would be like me getting a job in an auto parts store. I'd have absosmurfly no idea what people were talking about. But you know what? I would learn. This woman should know what movies are coming out so she can help customers. Arrrghhh. I hate that place. Remind me of that the next time I'm lazy and want to go there please. I'm joining Hollywood Video toot sweet. [shaking fist] Blocksuckster!!!!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Seth Meyers
I've got a little crush on this SNL cutie. I hope he's moved up from featured player this year. Comments? Sign My Guestbook!

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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