Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2006-02-06 || Still In Love With The Homeless Bar

I don�t even know where to begin.

Frito has already told the story quite well right here (read it and come back. I�ll wait), but I�ve been asked to add my two cents and my pictures, so here we go. We went back to our favorite homeless bar for karaoke Saturday night, and while there weren�t as many homeless there, it was still full of exceptional people watching. �Ram� was in full effect, creeping out everyone in the whole group. Seriously, this guy is out of control, all crazy eyes and close talking and creepy-too-nice. At one point, I was walking back to our table from the bathroom and when I passed by him, he called out my name and when I looked over, he applauded me. Weird! When the group was asked their opinions of him, these are some of the responses that were given:

ANDY: Child molester.

PAM: Rapey.

JOE: Pedophile.

LIZ: Scary.

PAM: (to Frito) What do you think Ram does all day?

FRITO: Internet porn. Lots of Internet porn.

It�s so true. Ram also always has a table of �friends� that sits next to his post, and it�s quite the cast of characters. Frito came back from walking by the table and we had this exchange:

FRITO: Tonight that table is brought to you by the letters �B� and �O� and possibly the number 2.

PAM: Ew! What is on that woman�s jacket? Is that white paint splatters?

FRITO: I think it�s bird shit.


FRITO: And that woman in the bad Juicy Couture knock-offs has no teeth.

PAM: No way.

FRITO: Seriously, she has no front teeth. They don�t call him �Ram� for nothing.

PAM: Ba dum dum. And ew.

I wish I had the wherewithal to be able to describe this place and these people properly. The place just rules. The people watching is through the roof, there�s Ram, and there are Slim Jims for sale at the bar. Oh yes. Slim Jims. Every bar should have the Slim Jims. Anyway, I tried to get a stealth photo of Ram using my zoom on my camera, but it came out all grainy, like a picture of Bigfoot or something. I think Ram is elusive like that. You hear legends, but you can never quite verify his existence. I�m going to post the picture anyway, just because you can see the aforementioned �paint splatters or bird shit?� coat on the right:

Someone call The Weekly World News, because Ram has been spotted. I can�t wait to go back again.

(Saturday night with Lucy and Frito at the homeless bar.)

Dear teams auditioning for Vh-1�s World Series of Pop Culture Tournament:

Take a look at the picture above. That is our team, and we�ll be auditioning on April 1st in NYC. Memorize our faces, because we�re the people who are going to be beating you.

Thank you,

Team �Will & Graces�

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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