Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-08-04 || Plans, Plans, And More Plans

Man, the Summer of Fun is turning out to be the Summer of Planning. That seems to be all I�m doing lately. I�m putting together another play for this fall, so I�ve been scouting out banquet halls and comparing dates and prices and buffets and table set-ups and minimum amounts of guests and zzzzzzzzzzzz. Thankfully, I finally finished all of that last night and booked a room for November 5th and 6th. This time around, we�re actually holding some auditions for the play, so I�m doing that tomorrow night. The poor people who are coming have no idea what they�re in for. It�s actually going to be more of a meeting than an audition. We�re not picky, we�ll take pretty much anyone. I�ll just be asking things like, �What kind of character have you always wanted to play but never have? Any hidden talents we can exploit? Favorite Muppet?� Well, maybe I won�t ask that first one. But the Muppet one? A requirement. And I can�t have people read from the script, because I haven�t written it yet. I have the basic premise and an idea of desired characters, but I need to know who is in it since I like to write specifically for people. I�ve worked with 3 of the people in the play many times before, so I know their strengths and whatnot. In any event, it should be fun just for the sheer fact that my character is obsessed with Little Orphan Annie, and dresses in the red shirtdress and just spontaneously starts belting out songs from Annie at random moments. What, you thought I would actually write a normal play? Please. And like I said, these poor people have no idea what they�re in for. Also? If anyone answers �Big Bird,� they are OUT.

In addition to the play planning, I�ve also been putting together my big 80�s themed birthday party. I have to send out invites early so people can get babysitters because I�ve stipulated that the party is for adults only. I�ve had a couple of people thank me for that, just for the chance to get out of the house and not have to spend the whole night chasing their little ones around. I really hope people don�t misread that and come expecting a XXX throwdown of some sort. �Did someone call about a fire?� ba dum ba da dum boom chicka boom ah.... Boy, if anyone is expecting something like that, they�re going to be sorely disappointed when they show up and are handed a package of Fun Dip and a jointy Mr. T toy. Ah well. So tonight it�s off to plan the menu. Phew!

Amidst all of this, I�ve got JournalCon in 16 days. Man, that just came up out of nowhere. I am not prepared at all. Sassy and I are going shopping for hoochie mama karaoke wear on Friday night, so that�s a step in the right direction. Hoochie Mama Clothes #1!

Now I�m off to come up with some more audition questions. �Favorite play?� �Favorite actor?� �Favorite showtune?� �How are you with remembering lines?� Nah, I don�t think I like those. �Favorite Member of a Boy Band, past or present?� �If you�re one of the last few people on earth and the only clothes you are given are culottes, a tube top, and a dickey, what do you do?� Now we�re talking.

Co-Worker Fashion Faux Pas of the Day: I don�t even know how to explain it. A sleeveless blue shirt with purple eyelet flower designs on the bottom and some weird pinky-cream skirt that clashes completely. If she were famous, she�d be on the Fugly Blog.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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