Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-07-14 || Balfour Love & 5 Annoyances

Why UPN, why??

Are the people at UPN trying to drive me crazy? Because they are. And not crazy in a bad way per se, more crazy in a�loin-achingly way? Something like that. You see, if you�ve ever watched UPN you�ll notice that they show the same promos for their TV shows over and over and over and over. They�ll show the same one three or four times during an hour-long show. It�s only been a brief annoyance before, but now it�s becoming a problem because of one upcoming fall show � the sure-to-be-cancelled Sex, Love and Secrets. And why is seeing this promo three times during Veronica Mars a problem? Well, first of all it dampens my Logan enjoyment, and that�s just not right. This is all because of one factor of the show � it stars Eric Balfour, who, for some unknown reason, drives me crazy. No, really. I involuntarily pant when he comes on the screen. No one understands it, but lordy, that boy puts a party in my pants. I start blurting out things like, �Oh, the things I�d do to him � illegal in most states!� and �Mmm mmmm MMMMM!� Last night I pointed him out to my mom and was met with the standard, �Ew, gross!� that I get from most people when I say that I find him to be supremely hot. Well, first I have to explain who he is if I am just discussing him with no visual aid available. My explanations usually go like this: �You know that guy, he played the devil in a Hyundai commercial a few years ago? No? Uh, he was Eddie, Theresa�s menacing boyfriend in Chino on The OC. Six Feet Under? I don�t know who he played on there, I don�t have Showtime. You know, the devil guy! He was in that Hawaii show that lasted about 3 episodes on NBC last year. Yeah, I didn�t watch it either, but he looked hot in the commercials. Um�ooh! The remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre! I don�t know who he played, I didn�t see it. He was the hot guy. Devil-like? Ah ha! He was the guy who was with Jessica Biel when she got Punk�d. Why are you saying, �HIM?!� like that? Yes, him. Stop saying �Ew!� � he�s hot!� (Still stumped? Check it. Yes, him. What? Party in my pants!)

I think I�m just going to have to start TiVoing Veronica now so I can fly through the commercials without getting all worked up. Because did I mention that he is IN THE SHOWER in the promo? Damn.


I�ve been tagged by Purple to list 5 things that annoy me, which sounds easy, but not so much. As you�ll see below, aside from #1, they�re pretty minor things. Maybe I�m too easy-going. I don�t know. Anyway, shall we?

1. Movie talkers
Shut up, shut up, SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! It�s not very often that I am moved to actually shush someone, but when you keep talking very loudly during a movie, forget the stink-eye � you�re getting a big ol� �SSHHHHH!!!� I didn�t pay $9.75 to listen to you.

2. Earth, Wind & Fire
Well, this is more of a song-centered annoyance. I�ve never had a problem with Earth, Wind and Fire before, but now that I have Karaoke Revolution Volume 3 and am faced with attempting to sing their hit Shining Star, I have developed a new rage for them. I was all, �Oh, yeah, I know this one � �You�re a shining star, no matter who you are�.� No problem.� But then there was a problem � the second verse started. I was able to fake my way through not knowing the first verse, but it was the rest of the song that killed me. So then I downloaded it, hoping to learn it for the next time that I played. How hard could it be, right? Just get the melody down and everything will be fine. Oh, you can�t imagine the rage that was happening in my car while listening to the song on my way to work the other day. Just get the melody down? Ha! THERE IS NO MELODY IN THE SECOND VERSE. The bridge, either for that matter. I�m telling you, the members of Earth, Wind and Fire are making that song up as they go along. I actually had to stop listening to it before the end of the song because I was yelling, �This is not even a SONG!!!� RAGE!!!!!!

3. Asking for �No butter� every time I order French toast in a restaurant and getting that big ice-cream scoop of butter on it EVERY time.

4. Dave Matthews
Bring on the hate mail! I lunge at the radio dial whenever I hear the opening horns from one of his Songs That Make My Ears Bleed to try to change it before I hear any of his guttural whine.

5. The fact that I can�t find Cherry Coke in the mini 8 oz. cans any more.
I told you it was hard to come up with 5! I�m not easily annoyed! But this one does bother me, because I love me some Cherry Coke and it used to make such a perfect alternative to my daily afternoon Coke.

So I guess I�m supposed to pass this along to 3 people. Okay, Sassy - I know you have 5, and Paul and Shelly because they need to update!

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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