Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-06-23 || Horsehoes and Hand Grenades
It's Monday already? That sucks. I guess it's time for a weekend recap then. Shall we?

So I caved and went to see The Hulk on Saturday. My brother liked it. Me? I wanted to hang myself. It was just no. No. Just no. The story has the drama running high, with Bruce Banner being tormented by his past, demons, repressed memories, blah blah blah, and then a character freezes in mid-air while running away from a blast of fire, mouth agape. You can't mix those two things in a movie. The Hulk also bounced like he had just drank some gummi bear juice. I know he does this in the comic book, but still. He was all over the place. By the time I passed the two hour mark, I spent the rest of the time wrestling with the fact that in the early 90's some crackheads over at People Magazine crowned Nick Nolte as the Sexiest Man Alive. I know he was supposed to be all bedraggled in the movie and all, but I seriously think he didn't even have to go to costume or makeup for this role the way he's been looking lately. I think good ol' Nick just rolled out of bed and showed up on set and they started filming. He's about as sexy as phlegm.

I was finally able to tear into HP5 Saturday night, but I didn't get to start it until 10. Harry is a little bit angry this time around. Me like. I had only read the first 100 pages or so when I put the book down for the night and checked my e-mail, only to find one from Amazon telling me that my order had shipped. I have so many things pre-ordered there that I didn't know what it was. I checked it out only to become horrified. Pamie's book had shipped. Why? No! I thought it wasn't coming out until July! No! Will I be done with Harry before then?? Don't make me choose between Harry and Pamie! Damn publishing world bastards. I hope to have time to squeeze in enough Harry this week, but it's not looking good. I'm going to have to be doing the 3 books at once thing. I hate feast or famine. I bet whoever scheduled the release dates of the books also created last year's evil Tuesday night 8:00 PM TV lineup - Buffy, Gilmore Girls, American Idol, etc. Good thing I have a lot of VCRs in the house. Sorry, blabbing again. Moving on.

Sunday. [sniff, sniff] Sunday was my sad day. I spent all of Sunday night lamenting the fact that I'm old. I went to a high school graduation party that afternoon and there were lots of boys there. Young boys. I loooove younger guys. I was in heaven. There were 2 of them who really caught my eye. One is 18, and was just too, I don't know - too too. He was just giggly cute. Then there was the adorable one. The cutie who had an even better personality. I chatted with him for a little while, and he was just so my type. Then I asked him how old he was. "I'm almost eighteen." Almost. Please someone tell me there are horseshoes or hand grenades involved here somehow. No? Damn! No? You sure? Did you see him? You sure about that? Son of a whore! The odd part about it is that I would totally date a seventeen year-old. This one was more mature than I'll ever be. Damn you society and your frowning on such things! I then tried to rationalize things with my friend Jerry and realized that I can no longer use the "when I'm 30" reasoning. 'Twas a sad day. I was all proud of myself, all trying to convince him that the age difference wasn't so bad, and then I sorted it out as I said it, "Well, when I'm 30, he'll be...he'll be...18." Oh shit. Suddenly I felt like a dirty old woman. I just kept yelling, "I'm Blanche Deveraux!" When did I get so old? Sure, I dyed my hair the other day just for the simple reason of covering up some gray, but people in my family are freaks with the gray - I've had it since I was 20, so that doesn't count. Other than that, I don't feel old. I sure as hell don't act old. Why am I old? Why can't I date the cutie little 17 year-old? He was SO my type. And just from a scientific perspective, don't guys reach their sexual peaks at 18, and women at 30? That would be killer. I'm just saying. Merely pointing out scientific facts. Just making conversation. Stop looking at me like that. Am I Blanche Deveraux?

[sigh] So here I sit, lamenting my old age. Oh screw it, I'm not old until I feel it. Anybody got the 17 year old's number? I wanna go to the prom!!!!!!!!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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