Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-04 || Fake Boyfriend Update

My dear Pseudo-Gavin has left me. He's been moved to the other building in our complex, so I'll only see him now and then. Of course, this happens now that we're chatty. Story of my life. At least Cracka is still around for now, but nothing compares to the beauty of the Pseudo-Gavin. Why did they have to move him? Why couldn't they have moved the guy who looks like a rat? Why does he wear the same two shirts every other day? Why does he drive that girly car? Why are his eyes so damn green? Why does the old guy get to stay? All valid questions, but the most important of all is - Whose ass will I look at now?


One thing must end for another to begin.... A new possible fake boyfriend arrived on the scene today. I had seen him about a month ago, but I haven't seen him around since. He looks like Del from Caroline in the City. I guess that's a good thing, I'm not sure. But I like what he's selling, so I'll investigate further. I already made an ass out of myself waving to him today. He waved and then it looked like he asked the guy he was with if he was supposed to know me. At least he's polite. I'm like the Wizard of Oz - pay no attention to the crazy girl in the window. Wait, no. Pay LOTS of attention to the crazy girl in the window. She's bored. She needs entertainment. She needs more fake boyfriends. You can never have too many. That's one lesson I've learned - the more, the merrier. Fake boyfriends are meant to come and go. However, much like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, I'll miss Pseudo-Gavin the most.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Tom Cavanagh
aka TV's Ed. I want an Ed Stevens. I'd like a Tom Cavanagh even more. Charming, funny, gangly, and those eyes....

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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