Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-05 || My So-Called Hair
Go. Now. Go.

I'm usually very impulsive when it comes to my hair. Sometimes an idea will randomly pop into my head, sometimes I will just wake up and think that I want to change my hair, sometimes I will want to copy someone else's hair, but most times I change it because of a boy. Whatever the reason, I pretty much always want to change it right away. Today. Now. Toot sweet. (The one time I thankfully didn't go right out and change it was when I was lusting over Geena Davis's badass blonde hair in The Long Kiss Goodnight. I know, I know. Save it.) I also have the added luxury of having a mother whose best friend is a hairdresser who just happens to live 2 doors down the street. She is often frightened when I call her, wondering what in the world I've come up with this time. I don't know, I just like to change my hair all the time, even if it's something subtle. It makes me feel good. Sometimes it can even make me feel stronger, like when things in my life are a little funky. My hair is the one thing I can control. Listen to my commands, hair. Begone! I'm like Xena, Warrior Princess. Yeah, I know, I think that's going a bit too far.

In any case, I've been watching my DVD boxed set of My So-Called Life these past few days, and I've just been lusting after Angela's hair. Of course, not as much as I'm lusting after Jordan Catalano, but you already knew that. Last night I was really really envious of the hair, so today at lunch time, I went and bought some dye and painted my mane when I got home. Claire Danes, eat your heart out. Well, it actually looks better on her, but I feel funky for the night. Woo! New hair! Yay! Woo!

While I'm on the subject of My So-Called Life, I must mention something that's been bothering me about the show. It's a fabulous show and I know it was always lauded for its realistic portrayals of high school life, so why are they all in the same English class? What is Jordan, a boy who can't read, doing in a class with Super-Nerd Brian Krakow? It doesn't make any sense. There's also an episode where Rayanne just starts going to Angela's English class to see the teacher. How does this happen? And how do they all cut class all the time without any kind of punishment? In my high school they would have sent out a search warrant for you if you missed a class. "Where is he? He's not on the absentee list for today. Good Lord, he could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere! Call the police! Call all the hospitals!" Criminy. I had to use the creative ways to get out of class. Lucy had orchestra practice as her excuse. I had many different ones, including making videos for class where we'd have to go visit other schools to interview students. This, of course, resulted in going to other high schools where my latest crush was. They always let me go, though. The trick is to be a good kid and get good grades right from the start, and then you can get away with murder later. I don't think I attended half of sixth grade. Most of it was spent doing my "AV Girl" duties. The 3 minutes it took for me to deliver a film projector to another classroom turned into hour-long games of hide-and-seek in the storage room and laughing at old student records that were hidden way in the back. My brother taught me some of those tricks. Man, sometimes I miss being in school. I never liked the actual learning part, but boy, I could sure use a good game of kickball right about now. Do kids still play that? I had unusually large feet for my age, so I was always good at it. Kickball! Woo! Cutting Class! Woo! Boys! Woo! New Hair! Woooooooooooooooo!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Michael Rosenbaum, aka Lex Luthor on Smallville.
Aww to the yeah. I can't believe how much better he looks without hair. There's nothing more I need to say than these two words: Sexy Lexy.

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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