Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-06 || Take This Cover Letter And Shove It....
God, I hate cover letters.

Applying for jobs is one of the most humiliating things in the world. It's like a dog and pony show. And to me, job interviews are worse than first dates. It's time spent practically begging someone to like you, to pick you over the others. Too bad you can't use the same things you can on a first date to edge out the competition for a job. Instead of going on and on about being very detail-oriented and organized, you could just tie a cherry stem into a bow with your tongue. There. Done. Game over. You've got the job. Ah, if only life were so simple.

I hate all of the applications that ask the same damn questions. I hate my resume. I really hate cover letters, and I hate, HATE, being asked where I see myself in five years. Why don't these people ever mix it up? One of the worst things about trying to move around from my job is the whole union thing. Jobs aren't awarded based on merit or who would be the most qualified. If you've been there long enough and are in the union, you're in. It doesn't matter that you're a complete and total nincompoop. Oh, you have more years of service than the person who is actually capable of doing the job? Come on in! Ack. I'm dying to get back into private industry, where my job will never be secure. Woo! This sucks. I'm just waiting for the day where I can work for myself, because I am going to be a total kickass boss. Making my own hours, having meetings scheduled so I can watch TV, etc. Word.

Speaking of jobs, someone notify Kathie Lee - the last month or so there have been people peddling a local newspaper at a busy intersection that I pass on my way home from work. Each week, the workers have been getting younger and younger. Yesterday there were two kids out there who had to have been about 9 or 10. What is up with that? What are they doing there in the middle of a main road? The worst part was that the little boy was getting all worked up because no one was paying attention to his sales moves. He kind of had the Vegas porn thing going on, sort of flipping the papers towards the car windows. Let's just hope no one alerts these busy beavers to the bigger opportunities in Vegas. They'll be snapping stripper-laden brochures at people in no time! Poor kids. Next week, I fully expect to see a toddler waddling up to my car. I wonder if they had to write a cover letter to get that gig. Damn cover letters.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Chris Hardwick
I'm going old school on this one. Back in college, I was ridiculously obsessed with him. I used to carry this e-mail he wrote to me in my pocket every day. Pathetic much? I even saved up some cash to attend some tapings of Singled Out so I could meet him. And I did! Cute and hysterically funny - my kind of guy. However, later on I could never bring myself to get through an entire episode of Guys Like Us. [shudder]

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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