Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-08 || Clown Lover!
Humidity blows.

Good Lord, when is this going to end? We've had about eight straight days of disgusting humidity here, with still more in sight. It's ridiculous. Every time I walk outside I feel like I've been slapped with a wet mop. Then there is the forecast every day for a chance of showers. The weather people around here tone it down, too. There's a chance of a light shower here and there from all of the wetness in the air, blah blah blah. Light shower, my ass. I was driving to work this morning and got stuck in this monsoon-like downpour. It was ridiculous. The great and fun it's-raining-so-hard-I-can't-see kind of driving weather. Hydroplaning is fun, wheeeeeeeee!!!!!!! Ugh. I just want to be able to turn off my air conditioner for a few hours and get some nice fresh air without being suffocated by the dew point bastards. Is that so much to ask?

I'm hoping the weather does clear a little this weekend, as I have a nice little 3-day weekend thing going. Monday is a state holiday for us, as Rhode Island is the only place besides Wigfield that still celebrates Victory over Japan Day. There's got to be a lot of pride in that. Yeah. Tons. Woo-woo? Whatever, I never turn down a day off with pay. I'm no fool. Besides, it just gives me an extra day to look for a new fake boyfriend. I've had my fill at work. Pseudo-Gavin is gone, Noah is married, Del turned out to be kinda dorky, and Cracka is just not doing it for me anymore. Ah, fake boyfriends. They're like Kleenex.

Speaking of Kleenex, I could have used some hankies last night after watching The Amazing Race. (A show everyone should be watching) Farewell Clowns! [sniff, sniff] The team of 2 circus clowns is no more and that makes Pam a sad girl for 2 reasons. One, they were really good at the race and didn't offend, and two, they're clowns. You see in life, there are basically two groups of people - those who like clowns, and those who hate them. There are some people who might tell you that they don't have an opinion either way, but chances are that their pants are on fire. Me? Love clowns. I love them so much that I even have a clown fetish. Well, that may be a strong word. I kinda just want to make out with a clown once to see if he'll tickle me while he's kissing me. That's all. No, wait. I'd also like to be able to utter the words, "No, no. Leave the big shoes on...." Aww yeah. But I'd settle for the kissing. I went to the circus a couple of years ago, and I went during the hour before the show when you can mingle with the animals, and more importantly, the clowns. I zeroed in on the good-looking ones (you can totally tell!) and headed off with my camera and ready-to-bat eyelashes. When I started to tell one of them of my fetish, he laughed (can you believe the clown laughed??!!) and told me that I should probably keep that to myself and just say that I really, really like clowns. Unfortunately, we didn't make out. I have this whole shelf in my room with clown paraphernalia on it that tends to freak out some people. How can you be freaked out by my autographed picture of Ronald McDonald? It's RONALD! He rules! He is the King of Clowns!! Unfortunately, I'm friends with a lot of people who are scared of clowns. Most of them claim that their fears stem from Pennywise from Stephen King's It. Poor Tim Curry, having that big of a burden to carry around now. Pennywise was an evil clown, but I happen to think the more evil the clown, the better! The only thing better than a happy clown is an evil one. I've seen all the movies, Clownhouse, Killer Clowns From Outer Space, Funhouse, etc. I think they're endearing. Awww, look at the angry clown with the hatchet. Did you see his crazy hair? Is that blood dripping from his juicy red lips? Awwww! Yeah, most people think I need help. Nah, I just need my Bozo in shining red shoes! Tickle me, Bozo.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Paul Dinello
Fans of Strangers With Candy know him as the gay art teacher, Mr. Jellineck. Non-fans probably don't know him at all. I know him as my funny, brilliant celebrity boyfriend with lips I want to suck on all night. Too much info? A little? Yeah, I'll try to work on that. But first, those lips....

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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