Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-11 || Puking, Prison Rules Uno, and Bad Movies
Random Notes from my weekend:

--I remembered all too well that when I tell people "I hate throwing up," I'm not lying. Isn't it wonderful when you get to be sick on days that you actually have off from work? Bastard. I'm also going to remember to add in the future that the one thing I hate more than throwing up is not doing it in the comfort of my own home. I got sick at my friend's house yesterday, and it's just not fun. I almost feel rude doing it. Excuse me, oh, don't mind me, I'm just going to go and puke in your bathroom. I'll keep it clean. Ugh.

--Uno can turn ugly. The game n' movie posse got together Saturday night and my brother suggested I bring over my Uno game, as he hadn't played in years and thought it might be fun. Well, it was fun, but you learn quickly that any friendship you have with someone exists solely outside of the Uno Universe. In Uno, it is an every man for himself, no holds barred, take no prisoners kind of world. Trash Talk is the universal language. Alliances only exist briefly to help screw someone who may have slapped some unwanted cards on another player. Urgent hushed tones alert the others, "Rachel only has three cards. Get her!" Karma rules, and you better watch what you do, because your ass is ripe for a'bitin'. What goes around comes around in a world where the 'Reverse' card exists. We learned that lesson all too well Saturday night. We were playing with my Simpsons Uno cards, and things got even more out of control when Lucy mistakenly thought Apu's name was 'Snafu.' The game then became a virtual Snafu-fest. And some of those rounds don't end! We had one marathon game that must have lasted an hour and a half. Everyone was so very quick to remind you, "Hey, remember when you had one card? Hee!" as you kept drawing card after card, cursing the deck for not having a red or Skip card anywhere in sight. If you haven't played the game in a while, I highly recommend it. Just watch out for that Snafu, he's a sneaky S.O.B.

--There are worse movies than Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. For some strange reason, I was reminded a few weeks ago of a movie that I saw years ago that I remember as being very bad, but in the best bad sense there can be. I checked ebay and landed myself a copy. Truth or Dare: A Critical Madness. It's a so-called 'Psychological Thriller' from 1986, and it is just painfully bad, but oh, so good to tear apart. The low-budget effects and fake fighting scenes are laugh-out-loud funny, and the whole movie gleefully makes no sense. I don't remember it being that bad, but it is. Thank goodness for the little things.

Now I'm off to battle these ill feelings, as I must make a super-speedy recovery for tomorrow night's Hanson concert. Watch out Taylor, here I come!!!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Adam Brody
I share this boyfriend with a lot of folks out there. He's just so aww-shucks adorable! He won my heart as Dave Rygalski, Lane's man on The Gilmore Girls, he is the reason I will be watching The O.C. and he has even tempted me to want to see a skateboarding movie (The upcoming Grind). Notice I said tempted, as I think this just may be a wait-for-the-DVD kinda deal. Well, unless I can wrangle up some 14 year-old girls to go with me. Any takers?

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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