Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-15 || Heads Are Gonna Roll at the Hanson Concert!
I'm lazy.

I'm a lazy, lazy, diary girl. I was going to write the big Hanson concert entry, but then a phone call interrupted me and I accidentally closed the window I was working in and erased it. So now you get the highlight version. Yeah, I'm pretty much that lazy. So now, without further ado, Hanson concert highlights (and some lowlights):

--I'm actually NOT the only person who is going to see them, as thought by all of my friends.

Hanson is playing a small club tour of all acoustic music, and it's really the die-hards who are coming out to the shows. Luckily, the club in Boston where my concert was is an 18+ venue, so that cut down on most of the unnecessary screaming. The room held 550 people and it was general admission, so some girls camped out from 8 PM the night before to secure a good spot in line. What??? Camped out? We showed up about 5:45 for an 8 o'clock show and there were already about 200 people in line in front of us. Who are all of these people?

--Tickets and promos lie.

8 PM show. My ass. The freakin' doors didn't even open until after 8. Standing in line for 2 and a half hours is not high on my list of fun things to do. Even lower on my list? Standing squished in a hot club basement, suffering through a John Mayer-wannabe troubadour opening act and subsequent intermission until Hanson finally hits the stage at 10:07 PM. Yeah, that's kind of close to 8.

--The most annoying girl in the world lives in Massachusetts.

Normally, the standing in line wouldn't have gotten to me as much if it hadn't been spent standing in front of the most annoying 18 year-old on the planet. There are no words to describe her, but I'll try. I tried to block her out as much as possible, but it was quite difficult. She talked non-stop, she was wearing a very 3 years-ago head kerchief, and she has apparently seen all and done all in her little gingerbread world. To top it all off, she started singing Hanson songs. Badly. In my ear. When they started letting small groups in the doors, she came out with this gem, "I've been to eleven concerts this year, so I'm the expert on how this works." Okay then. "I've been a fan of them for 6 years now, how can I have never met them???" This was said in a pleading and whining voice. She also ambushed Hanson's father at one point, who looked like he wanted to get as far away from her as humanly possible. (P.S. He engaged me in conversation later while I was buying a CD, and told me I was "awesome." Hey annoying chick, neener!) Annoying Girl then followed me to the merchandise counter, where she announced very loudly and gratingly to the man helping her, "I'll take one of everything." I've never seen such a holier-than-thou fan. I've also never wanted to lay the smack down on someone so badly in my life.

--Large groups of girls are not nice in these situations.

General admission at a Hanson concert is probably not a good idea. I was just trying to be close enough to get a good look at my ex-celebrity main squeeze Taylor, but it was a whole other world out there on the floor. If one person dared move out of the crowd to do something such as breathe or go to the bathroom, this whole throng of people would just surge to fill in the spot and move closer. It was a little scary. I was at a general admission concert to see Michelle Branch at the Hard Rock in Vegas, and people were very pleasant there. It was a mixed crowd, and people gave you room to breathe and would even let you back in if you ventured for a drink. Not so in a mostly 18 and 19 year-old chick filled, hormonal crowd. But hey, Taylor was my man for 5 years, I was damn well going to get a good look at that sweet piece of ass. Back off, girls, the old lady is in the house and is kicking ass and taking names.

--Girls are not nice, Part II.

The funniest moment of the night came during intermission, when I noticed Taylor's wife come out from the backstage area to do something or other before disappearing back up the stairs. I then heard this conversation behind me:

Girl One: Ooh, there's Taylor's wife!
Girl Two: Where?
Girl One: She just went back upstairs.
Girl Two: Is she pretty?
Girl One: Eh, she's okay. If she comes out again, I'll point her out to you.
Girl Two: If she comes out again, she'll probably get her ass kicked!

The sad thing is, she was probably right. Monsters, those girls!

--It's still evident why Taylor Hanson was my celebrity boyfriend main squeeze for almost 5 years.

Even though this is my third Hanson concert, (Stop laughing. Okay, laugh. Get it all out. Done? No? Okay, hurry up.) it's the first one where I've actually been 5 feet away from Taylor. Man, he is flawlessly beautiful. There's nothing more to say than that. Flawless.

So there you have it. Great show, fine harmonies, a hot, hot, hot boy, lots of insane and pushy girls, and the most annoying girl in the world. What more could you ask for?

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Hugh Grant
I love British guys. I luuurrrvvve funny guys. A+B=Hugh Grant. Extra points if he's playing a cad. Rowr!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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