Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-08-17 || My aching bones and annoying neighbors...

I know I always complain about getting old, but da-amn, I feel it today. I think it's actually more of an 'I need to get in shape' thing. The only problem with that is that I'm too lazy to do it. It's a vicious cycle, my friends. I had a kind of family fun day yesterday where I engaged in some Extreme Bocce and my favorite, Whiffleball! I'm not as sore as I have been in the past after vigorous activity, but my right arm feels sort of Neanderthal-ish. It feels like it is laying on the floor. Raising my arm above my head to style my hair as I dried it this morning was punishing. It was just the harmless sports that I played yesterday, right? I wasn't in a dungeon on a rack or anything, was I? Didn't think so. Yeah, I'm just out of shape. It doesn't help that my brother and my cousins and I have to play extreme versions of sports. And not extreme in a dangerous way, more of a hard-core idiot way. Our bocce game ended up spanning 3 yards and 360 degrees. We used a pelota that was insanely difficult to see, and one of my cousins liked to throw it over and behind some gigantic evergreen bushes. Blind bocce isn't for wussies. Whiffleball is still my favorite, though. I was voted MVP yesterday. Woohoo! I'm now the reigning RBI Queen. Don't even be trying to go near my crown, bitch. But I guess every graceless slide and jump made trying to dodge a whirring ball that's headed straight for your noggin comes with a price, and that is some sore haunches the next day. Eh, a small price to pay for the glory of the game. I'd like to bake a big ol' pie for the person who invented whiffleball. They're probably dead, though. And oh yeah, I can't cook. Well, it's the thought that counts, right?

I'd also like to point out to my increasingly weird new neighbors that we were nice and quiet during our party. None of that crap music blaring all over the neighborhood. The worst was a few days ago. It was ridiculously hot on Thursday, so Lucy came over after work for what we thought would be a nice, leisurely and relaxing swim. I could hear splashing going on in the pool next door, and before I could prepare for the onslaught of much-too-loud bad music, my ears were met with an even worse horror. They were listening to NPR. Who listens to talk radio that loud and by the pool? Nothing puts the 'P' in party like a little political banter. WTF? Turn that shit down! I was begging for Lionel Richie after five minutes of drenched New England accents debating the current economic climate. We're trying to have fun here, stop bringing us down! I really dislike those people. I'd give anything to have my old neighbors back. We used to call the guy who lived there Batman because he did everything at night. It would be pitch black and 10PM and he'd be out there mowing the lawn or cutting trees. It was bizarre, but really funny. Maybe I can create some sort of makeshift bat signal to shine in the sky to get him to come back. God, listen to me. I think I just need some sleep. And no more talk radio. Actually, that may help put me to sleep. Maybe I should go pee in their bushes before I go to bed instead. I bet I'd be sleeping like a baby after the satisfaction of doing that. Urinating is fun! Nighty night....

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Daniel J. Blau, aka djb
Hey, I never said all of my boyfriends were straight. djb is my gay internet boyfriend, and one of the funniest guys ever. I consider him a bona fide celebrity because he's been on one of those VH-1 Specials. C'mon, you know you love those things. His Edna Garrett impression and, "Jermaine WHOOOO? Jackson WHAAAAT?" kills me. You can also check out some of his greatness on Television Without Pity and the site for his musical masterpiece. Brilliant and hilarious - my kinda guy.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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