Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-01-18 || Shopping Madness & Weekend Pics

Make way, I am on a shopping rampage!!! A RAMPAGE, I tell you!!!



So yesterday I spent my day off at the mall with Jerry. He wanted me to help him pick out some new eyeglass frames, but he made me go to the Evil Mall, as he had a gift certificate there. Now, there are reasons why I don't go to the Evil Mall very often, the biggest being the most obvious - you know, the whole evil thing. And why is it evil? Because it houses WAY too many Pam stores in one building. I walk in the door and my credit card immediately jumps out of my wallet, buying everything in sight. "Ooh, a Wonder Woman sweatshirt!" Ch-Ching! "Is that a Jack Skellington head purse? I must have that!" Ch-Ching! "Jerry, look at this t-shirt - oh, I can't leave it here! That's MY finger!" Ch-Ching! "Wait, buy one t-shirt, get the second half off?" Ch-Ching! "Mmm, chocolate covered graham crackers...." Ch-Ching! "OH MY GOD THIS SHIRT WAS MADE FOR ME. Wait until my mom sees this, she's going to reference one of my first crushes when I was 6 years old. His name was Bobby Griffith and he lived in the poor part of town and always wore dirty jeans and had dirty hair. I loved him so." [(Dialing Mom) PAM: Hey Mom, I just bought a shirt that says, "I like dirty boys with no money." MOM: Like Bobby Griffith?] Ch-Ching! "Look at that unstuffed bear all sad and on clearance! I can't just leave him there - what if they throw him away?" Ch-Ching! "A t-shirt with the periodic table on it? Ooh!" Ch-Ching! (Yeah, I don't know why on that one, either. I was strangely drawn to it) "Ooh, half price sweaters! More t-shirts!" Ch-Ching!!!!

As if all of that weren't enough, I came home and finally ordered myself my lusted-after DVD recorder. CH-CHING!!! Unfortunately, now I can preserve my extra work on Singled Out on DVD so I can keep it for years to come. Yeah, great. I was going to wait until I got my tax refund to by my recorder, but now that TBS went ahead and fast-tracked their airing of Ed repeats (Noon, Mon-Fri!), I had to get my recorder toot sweet! If NBC has no immediate plans to put the show out on DVD, I'll just have to make my own. I can't use up ALL of my TiVo space with the episodes, so to the DVDs they will go! I can't wait to get it now.

BUT - that was actually not the most exciting purchase yesterday. On any normal day, it most definitely would be. But not yesterday - for yesterday was the day that I stumbled upon The Greatest Bra In The History Of Mankind. When I caught a glimpse of it in Victoria's Secret, a light shone down upon it from above as I heard the angels singing hosannas in my head, "AAAAAHHHH!" It was the perfect Pam bra. Black with white polka dots. And they didn't have it in my size. People, fists were shaken HIGH into the mighty sky. There were more than a few "Sons of bitches!" and "Bastards!" thrown around. But all was well when we stopped in another mall on the way home and they had my size. Ah, all is right with the world. Next week I shall be burning DVDs while munching on glorious chocolate covered graham crackers, all while clad in The Greatest Bra In The History Of Mankind. This could very well be my year.


Now for the rest of the weekend wrap-up, in pictures! Brent just moved into his own place, so I headed up there Friday night to see it. Sign #1 that this was the residence of a guy living by himself - the fridge:

If that doesn't scream "Bachelor Pad," I don't know what does. All it needs is a door full of condiments and he's ready to go.

I was happy to see that my favorite blanket made the trip:

When I first met Brent and saw this blanket, I asked, "Is that a Matrix blanket?" The answer? "No, it's binary code." I just paused and said, "Oh. You really should have said it was from The Matrix." Oh, but how I love the binary code blanket.

On Saturday night, I went with Jerry to the post-holiday party at the casino where I managed to stay away from the poker tables. It was much easier than I had feared, as the minimum bet at all tables was $25. I only brought $60 to gamble with, so that wouldn't have gotten me very far. I was able to teach Jerry the ways of Passenger 57, though. At first, he doubted my belief in the wisdom of Wesley Snipes, mostly because of the post-script that I add. "Do you play roulette, my friend? Always bet on black. P.S. After it comes in on the first spin, take your money and go. Don't let it ride." With doubt still on his face, I led Jerry to a nearby roulette table to test my faith in Wesley. I plunked my $25 down on black and won. When I collected my winnings and started off, Jerry asked incredulously, "You're not going to let it ride?" I reminded him of the post script once again and made him stay to see what the next spin brought. Sure enough, green double-zero. Listen to the Snipes, he is wise. And don't forget the post script!

Anyway, on our way into the casino, Jerry and I both stopped to admire the ads for a couple of our most beloved performers. As you can see, our tastes vary:

You know, the look of love on his face in that picture almost makes me think he's not kidding. At least my love for the Groban is pure. (Back that ass up!)

And finally, after consulting with expert fugger Jessica, I have been given the okay that my new red dress meets my 101 in 1001 item #16: Find the elusive perfect red dress. I was looking for something that can be worn for all different occasions for years to come without going out of style. At last, I think I have found it:

3 down, 98 to go, baby.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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