Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-11 || The Claw Will Get You!!!

That's the sound of these old bones rattling around. Soon I'll be shopping for a chain to wear around my neck to hook my glasses to. Well, maybe I'm not feeling that old yet. It's just that I've got early signs of carpal tunnel going on in one of my hands, which I just think is ridiculous. I really can't think of anything I do that repetitively to bring this on. But there it is, tingly forearm and all. I think the only thing about it that makes me feel old is the claw. My doctor has me wearing a hand splint to bed, and it is just the sexiest thing ever. Ugh. I'm actually pretty glad I'm single right now, because I can just imagine the conversation that might take place if I wasn't:

Boy: Hey (nudging me awake)

Pam: What? No, I'm too tired right now.

Boy: No, it's not that. The velcro from that hideous claw-like apparatus strapped to your hand is stuck to my head.

Pam: Oh. So that's not turning you on?

Gah. And without fail, every night when I put that thing on I just think of Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar, waving his hands around, yelling about 'The Claw!!!!' Oh wait, I just thought of Dr. Claw. Maybe I can be Inspector Gadget's mortal enemy instead. Nah, I wouldn't be able to deal with my plans constantly being foiled by some kid and her dog. Yeah, forget that one. Anyway, I have to admit, the claw does help, though. I forgot to put it on the other night and I woke up in the morning with my whole right arm dead asleep. My mom came in my room and when I tried to point out what she was looking for, my arm just lifted up off the bed and then went all willy nilly before thumping back down like a rubbery piece of lead. I could seriously hurt someone with that thing! It's got a mind of its own, kinda like the hand in Idle Hands. Well, except I'm not going to cut my hand off just to try to save Jessica Alba's ass. If that kid had thought twice about it, maybe we wouldn't have to be subjected to the pain that is Honey. Or so I hear. (I still like Eric's own version better.) But, in the interest of saving innocent lives, I guess I'll keep wearing the claw for now. It's only a matter of time before I start being fitted for orthopedic shoes, right? [sigh]


I've made everyone at work sad with the news that I'm leaving in a month. We want to plan a good-bye party that will be one for the books. All I know is that it needs to involve G McG, booze, karaoke, and some nun-clowns. The rest is all up in the air. Any ideas? Send them along!


Celebrity Boyfriend/CD Pick of the Day: Jason Mraz, Waiting For My Rocket To Come
I thought I might start dating Mr. Mraz back when he charmed me with his rendition of the Oompa Loompa song on I Love the 70's. He became my boyfriend when I saw the video for You and I Both. He's like a little Hugh Grant/young James Caan hybrid. And forget about the voice - swoonworthy. You know I'm a sucker for a singer. I just got the album the other night and can't stop listening to it. Good stuff. "So step on up to the plate and get a date with Mraz...." I'm so there.
Highlights: Curbside Prophet kicks my ass every time I listen to it. I crank that shit up and dance my little skinny ass off in the car. Quite a sight for the other drivers, I'm sure.

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
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2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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