Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-13 || Fad Toys Suck

That's the sound I woke up to this morning. It was then followed by a low grumbling and a purring. Then a few minutes later I heard it again, "MEAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" I sat there in bed for a few minutes trying to battle my way out of my semi-conscious half-sleep state so I could figure out where the hell I knew that sound from, and then it hit me. It was a Furby. WTF? My father got one as a joke a few Christmases ago and pretty much never touched it again after that day. He must have knocked it over this morning and it decided to rear its ugly Furby head and disturb my slumber. Why do we still have that thing in the house? Seriously, who plays with those things anymore? Did anyone play with them a month after getting one? The only worthwhile one I ever saw was the Yoda one, and even that was pushing it. I guess I'm just not a fan of some of the fad toys.

I'm a HUGE toy-lover in general - boys, if you want to impress me, take me to a toy store - but some things I just can't get on board with. The Furby was one of them. I'm sure we'll see them being discussed by Mo Rocca and Hal Sparks on a TV special in a few years. Ditto on the pogs. What the hell were kids supposed to do with those frigging things? I worked in a gift shop when they were popular, and I never understood what was fun about playing with a small cardboard disc. At least Furbies talk to you and berate you for not letting them sleep. Pogs? They just, well, they just sit there and be all cardboard-y. Woo, this is, um, fun? That's just one I will never get. I also had the pleasure of working in said gift shop during the height of the beanie baby craze. Those were not fun times. The same people would call every day, all day long. "Do you have any beanie babies?" Shut. Up. What made it even worse was when the parents got lazy and the kids would call. I didn't want to hear an adult obsessing over a $5 ugly bear, let alone a squeaky whine shouting into the phone and asking over and over when we're going to get beanie babies in. I don't know. Get a life, people. Seriously. We had this cute little old woman who worked with us that had just had enough of the calls. After a while, she'd just cut people off when they called, and then she'd hang up and spit venom about "those effing beanie babies." She retired not long after that. Coincidence? I think not.

The whole beanie baby craze made me feel for the poor employees who were unlucky enough to have been working during the big Cabbage Patch Kids craze. Like every cool fourth-grader at the time, I had my Cabbage Patch Kids. But I don't remember really wanting one to play with. I think I just wanted one because it was the thing to do. Once I got some, I was like, "Hey, cool, yeah, I totally changed his name! Woo! Um, yeah. Now what do I do with this thing? This sucks." Outside of Barbies, I was never a doll fan, especially baby dolls of any kind. Never once in my twenty-nine years on this earth so far have I ever remembered a time, not even a fleeting moment where I have had the desire to have my own child. Why on earth would I want to adopt some stupid yarn-headed goofy doll with some guy's name printed across its ass? And let me just say right now that those plastic heads on those things could hurt someone if swung the right way and with the correct amount of force. I'm just saying. I wouldn't be beating up another mom to get one. I also remember this store in the mall that sold knock-offs, and you always felt bad for the kid that had one of those. Those dolls weren't "pure." They were the ghetto Cabbage Patch Kids. I really should have gotten some of those to kick my Cabbage Patch Kid's asses. Instead, I just sat them on the floor and went to play kickball or demolition derby with my matchbox cars. Hey, I grew up with a brother and three boy cousins, what do you want from me? To this day, one of my all time favorite toys is a simple and timeless one - give me a whiffleball bat and ball, and I am one happy camper. I'll also kick your ass if you play with me. So bring it, and for the love of God, burn those pogs!!!


As a fun ending to today's entry, I wanted to conduct a fashion survey. Below are two possible outfits that I'm thinking of wearing on Tuesday. It's a ridiculously sad day when you realize that you can't wear your little short skirts because you haven't gained back those seven pounds yet and your legs look like creepy sticks at the top. Not fun, I tell you. Frustration at its finest. Anyhoo, I'm looking for a more mature outfit that shouts, "I'm leaving here in 4 weeks and I need to make you notice me and take me seriously before then. For some unknown reason, you make me tremble when I see you and I can't stop smiling around you. I know you're seeing someone, but she sucks. No, I've never met her, but I just know that she sucks because she's not me. You drive me crazy in the best and worst ways and you just really need to get your head out of your ass and have lunch with me, dumbass." Or something like that. Sign my guestbook or drop me a note to let me know which one you like better, number one or two. Woo!

Number One:

Number Two:

CD Pick of the Day: Richard Marx, Greatest Hits
Go on, get all of your laughing out now. I think I bought this CD purely out of curiosity, and for the song Hold On to the Night, but when I got it, I loved it. Just try and tell me you didn't like Hazard, even if just a little bit. Saps come for the Right Here Waiting, but Don't Mean Nothing is the ultimate.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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