Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-18 || My Life Is Not A WB Show
Note to self: You are not Felicity.

Sometimes I wish my life was like a TV show or a movie. I'd prefer it to be like a WB show if possible. Well, not Charmed or any of the Friday line-up. I think it's just the soundtracks of the WB shows that I'd like for my life. Those people working there sure pick some good tunes for the shows. Some of my favorite CDs were discovered through "Tonight's episode of [enter WB show of your choice here] featured music by...." I've been listening to some of that stuff lately on my rides to work, and when I'm half-awake like that my mind tends to wander. I'll hear the songs and my imagination dreams up all kinds of WB-like scenarios starring me and the way I sometimes wish things would be. One listen to Maroon 5's She Will Be Loved (THANK YOU Shelly!) and I'm standing on a busy street corner, apart from the throngs of people passing me by, with the wind gently blowing my hair all around my face - all in slow motion, of course. I'm in my finest broken-girl state, yet the look on my face says that everything is going to be okay. I will be loved. Then I snap out of my little daydream and find myself smiling in my car, thinking that maybe WB me isn't so wrong. Or at least hoping.

But then sometimes I hear a song that conjures up visions of sadder things. With the music in the background guiding me, I step into the place where I know he is. I just stand there, wanting to move, to go to him, but all I can do is stand there and watch him. I stare with a look of both longing and sadness on my face, and glance down at my feet for a moment. When I look back up, (cue the slow motion!) he turns and sees me. As we stand motionless looking at each other, the music starts to swell and the slow motion is in FULL effect, baby. Then he smiles that smile - you know the one, the whole 'what took you so long?' and 'I've wanted to see you but have been too scared' smile of relief and we head through the crowd, towards each other. I have that look on my face that Claire Danes has in the opening credits of My So-Called Life when she is about to burst into tears and just climbs into her mother's arms. Yeah, that one. Then when we finally meet, I utter these five simple words: "Can I come home now?" And...scene! Fade to black, cut, print, that's a wrap, etc.

And of course, he'd say yes and everything would be splendid. But that's not real. That's not how life is lived outside of WB-land. Broken-Girl is alive and kicking. Those songs that make me feel all fiercely independent and ready to change things - quit my boring job, do what I really want to do, chase my dreams - those songs end. The music fades from my head and takes with it all of those feelings of empowerment and motivation. I settle back into the humdrum life of security that I've made myself and laugh and scoff at my foolishness. Silly dreamer girl.

How I wish I could be more like her.

CD Pick of the Day: Teaching Mrs. Tingle Soundtrack
While watching this movie, I just kept noticing the awesome music in it. It's filled with all kinds of songs that would be featured on a WB show, too. It's also very rare to find a various artist CD with not one clunker in the bunch. Woo!
Highlights: Sozzi, 'Til I Cry You Out of Me and the one-two punch of Tara MacLean's If I Fall and haunting remake of At Seventeen.

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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