Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-21 || Sunday Five?
*cough* *cough* *wheeeeeze*

That's the sound of my computer these days. It's wobbling on its last legs and I'm just hoping that it will live long enough to see Tuesday or Wednesday, when my new one arrives. This thing isn't even that old, either. Stupid bastard. But its time has come. I must enter the XP World, where I can download such wonders as Napster and iTunes. Woo! So, in the essence of not overusing my computer, I'm cheating today and throwing in a Sunday version of this week's Friday Five. Well cheating and I really had nothing interesting to say except for this: Viva la gray sweater!

Now let's do this thing....

1. List your five favorite beverages.

- Coca-Cola Classic, baby. Definitely number one. There is nothing like a fresh bottle of coke in a paper cup.

- Cherry Coke

- Dr. Pepper. Yeah, I'm a soda fan.

- Kool-Aid. Any flavor, but I'm partial to the tropical punch.

- Tea. With a shitload of sugar

2. List your five favorite websites.

I'm not counting any Diaryland sites on this one:

- Television Without Pity. Best. Site. Ever.

- pamie.com - Bonus - the blog has djb. [swoon]

- Tomato Nation - Hey, I'm a sucker for good writing, what can I say?

- Teen Girls Squad - I don't know why I find these so funny, but I do. I made some friends watch them one night and we were crying from laughing so hard. I can do mean impressions of all of them. "MSG'D!"

- My Boy's Page - Hey, I gotta pimp my site, right? And who doesn't love a big pimping sock monkey?

3. List your five favorite snack foods.

Only five? [sigh]

- Hershey bars. The original classic.

- Party Mix. I love the little bags of this that we have in the vending machine at work. I run around yelling, "Party at Pam's desk!" Doritos, corn chips, BBQ chips, Cheetos, and pretzels. Party-in-a-bag, indeed!

- Sugar Wreath cookies. They're only around at Christmas and I can eat a box a day.

- Milk chocolate Lindt truffle candies.

- Chewy Spree

4. List your five favorite board and/or card games.

- Uno Attack!

- Scattergories

- Cranium

- Outburst

- Pitch (Hi-Lo-Jack)

5. List your five favorite computer and/or game system games.

I don't have time to play too many games these days, so I'll go with some of my favorites over the years.

- The Sims. My Sim was a total whore. She had 3 husbands. She ruled.

- Jeopardy!

- You Don't Know Jack - I used to RULE this game.

- Simpsons Crazy Taxi

- Halo (Xbox) - I can drive that Warthog like nobody's business!

Phew! My computer made it. Live, dammit, LIVE!! Well, at least until Wednesday. I'll try to sneak back before then. Happy Sunday, y'all.

CD Pick of the Day: Morning View, Incubus
Not only is Brandon Boyd a total hotass, but his band rocks. Awesome CD from start to finish.
Highlights: Mexico & 11 AM

Comments? Sign the book!

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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