Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-22 || Where The Boys Are....
Boys, boys, boys, more boys, with a side of boys.

Wow, I got an early Christmas present today. Over the weekend I made up some treat bags for the folks over at the finance company as a thank you for helping us out with our Thanksgiving baskets and Adopt-a-Family program. These people went above and beyond the call of duty and just bought crazy stuff. It was awesome. So I figured I'd just make up some little goodies for them to let them know their help was appreciated. The company is set up with 13 teams that handle all of the loans and all that good stuff. I made up a treat bag for each team to share, and a separate little bag for each team leader. And really, I don't know why G McG's bag was much larger and filled with better stuff than the other team leaders. How could that have happened? Anyway, my boss and I stopped up to the main building today to drop off the bags at the front desk so they could distribute them. However, our contact person over there thought it would be nice if we went around to deliver them to all of the teams, so she took us on a tour. I was in heaven. That place is like Eye-Candyland. There were boys everywhere, and lots that I had never seen before. I should go work there instead of transferring to my new job. [sigh] I also got to see some of my old fake boyfriends, which was nice. It was funny, because a lot of the guys were all turning around and staring, like "who are these new women? Also? Wo-man!" I was loving it. Well, until we got to the last team, of course. G McG is on the end of the last building, so we hit him up last. He jumped right up, all smiles. Our tour guide was introducing my boss, and before she could even turn to me, he blurted out, "And Pam, I know Pam!" I just stood there slack-jawed. Then I looked at his shoes, because I can't look at him for long periods of time. He's like the sun, people. And by the way, he had on the greatest shoes ever. I am SUCH a stickler for guy's footwear. If I don't like your shoes, chances are I'll be passing you right by. And of course he would have on perfect shoes. Ooh, I hate that little bastard. Except when I lurve him, which is always. Le sigh. Anyhoo, he joked about having to share with his team, so I pointed out that the team leaders had their own bad of goodies. Then my boss says, "Yeah, yours is bigger than everyone else's." If I wasn't frozen enough before, I was now pretty much like Han Solo in the carbonite. To add to it, the other girl elbowed him and said, "Yeah [G McG], you've got the big one." I think it was at that exact moment that I started to back away towards the exit. He was giggling, saying we made his day, but I was completely mortified. But really, what's new about that? Such an ass I am.

In other news, I had an extreme laughing fit on my way to work this morning because I looked over in the car next to me and saw the ugliest boy I ever went out with. Oh, he was horrible. Nice enough guy most of the time, but ew!!!!!!!! This was about 9 years ago, and I only went out with him to spite some other guy. Sometimes the price of spite can be a bit too high, though. Let me explain. First of all, his name was Eugene, and he looked like his name should be Eugene. That alone should already paint a nice mental picture for you. He kind of looked like a young Mr. Bean, but one who had been beaten with a large stick. And one of his eyes was a little on the lazy side. He also wore these awful brownish-tinted sunglasses that looked like ones that they sell in the coupon section of the Sunday paper. Now, in order to avoid any 'looks aren't everything!' complaints, let me tell you some other things about Mr. Eugene. I dragged Lucy and her date out with us for a fun little double date. When we got into his car, the seats were back like a dentist's chair, and he slouched all back like a homeboy. Except he didn't like rap. Can you low ride to alt-rock?? Anyway, we started our night out mini-golfing. Eugene actually shushed us on the first hole because our talking was breaking his concentration. Hello, this is not the PGA Tour - this is mini-golf. No one cares if they win. Seriously. This is also when he started randomly referring to himself in the third person. I couldn't even look at Lucy half of the night, because I know I would have lost it. After mini-golf, we went to a local playground to just sit and chat. I found out later that Eugene was nervous about going out with me, so before the date he broke out the wacky weed to relax himself. This would explain him standing in the playground staring at his reflection in the slide for ten minutes. And I'm not kidding. Ask Lucy. Ten minutes is a loooong time. When we finally got him to join into our conversation, he came up with this gem, "Are you trying to make Gene fall on the slide?" Yes, yes we are. Freak. Luckily, I got to go home not long after that and Eugene went home to his pet pig, Jello. You can't make up shit like that. Ugh. The funniest part of seeing him today was that he was still wearing those sunglasses. Amber Glow? Is that what they were called? I don't know. All I know is that I should have been trying to make Gene fall on the slide.

So that has been my boy-filled day. A blast from the past, some mortification, and a whole lotta ogling. Sounds about right. Typical Pam Day. And I came home to my new computer sitting in the hallway. Woo! Now I'm off to play rehearsal, where I've made my character bisexual, just for fun. She doesn't act on it, just alludes to it. My mother is a little concerned about people from church coming, but I told her not to worry about that. She should be more concerned about my character's semi-striptease while singing All That Jazz. Good thing I forgot to mention that to her. (If anyone is in the RI area and wants to come to the play, send me a shout!) Until next time, Viva la blue sweater!

CD Pick of the Day: Greatest Hits, Rick Springfield
He's so much more than Jessie's Girl. He was also my first celebrity crush and first concert. Awww. Even without that distinction, this CD is guilty pleasure at its finest.
Highlight: Don't Talk to Strangers

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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