Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-01-05 || Coin-Operated Love

Props to Sassy and my mom, who both told me that I had to hear the song Coin-Operated Boy because it made them both think of me. I�m not really sure what that says about me, but I must say that it is one of the greatest songs I have ever heard. And yes, it would make me think it was written for me, so they were right on. Now where can I get me one of these coin-operated boys? (If you haven�t heard the song, it�s by the Dresden Dolls. WARNING: It has the ability to get stuck in your head for hours upon hours upon hours. Ooh, they�re coming to town next month � I just may have to go. Maybe I can perform my Coin-Operated Boy puppet dance for them. It�s quite�um�interesting.) �Coin-operated boy, he is just a toy sitting on the shelf�made of plastic and elastic � who could ever ever ask for more?�


Will someone please tell Ashlee Simpson that it�s okay to start lip-synching again? Please? We were flipping back and forth from MTV to ABC on New Year�s Eve and it seemed like every time we went back to ABC, Ms. Simpson was singing AGAIN, performing The Sound of 1000 Cats Crying: A Five Part Rock-Opera of Pain. I was rolling around, yelling, �Make it STOP!� (Funny, that�s also the same reaction I had when Lindsay Lohan sang recently on The Ellen Degeneres Show. OUCH. Stick to the acting, toots.) The scariest part about the whole Ashlee Simpson thing is that I saw her new video for that La La song the other day, and while I was busy shaking my head at her attempts to be a tough punk chick, something really BAD happened. I enjoyed that stupid-ass song. Why God, WHY??? I still like it now. Change the lyrics and the singer and it�s a good song. Now it�s in my head. Dammit. I�m off to weep now�. Quick, someone put on Coin-Operated Boy.


In other news, I was able to cross my first item off of The List! I didn�t expect to complete anything this soon, but I stumbled upon a mini-marathon of Airline on A&E Sunday night, so I TiVo�d it and watched them all on Monday. (And yes, I said TiVo�d. Did you know TiVo is trying to get people to stop using the word as a verb? They want to protect the brand name aspect of the whole thing. Suck it, TiVo. I TiVo�d it.) Anyway, this show rocks. I tuned in to the new episodes Monday night and am now a proud regular viewer.

Speaking of the list, #102: Buy a coin-operated boy. Ah, and now it has replaced the evil Simpson in my head. Bless you, Coin-Operated Boy.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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