Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-01-10 || Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka, Save Me From My Job

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka�.

It�s just after 9:30 on a Monday morning and I have already:

- Spilled my full cup of tea all over my desk and floor. I was standing in front of my desk doing something or other and leaned over to get a pen and caught my cup on my arm on the way back up. Luckily, it was before 10 AM, so I was still not fully awake and not in the mode where I would emit a string of obscenities and shake my fist in the air. Instead, I just robotically put the work I was doing in a chair and walked out of my office. I then went to my nemesis, the automatic paper-towel dispenser. For some reason, our idiotic building supervisor reset the little bastards so they only spit out about a quarter-size paper towel at a time. It�s about enough to dry your pinky with. I don�t know how that saves money, because it just makes us all take about 4 towels to dry our hands, and it increases our agitation factor from �work kinda blows� to �I may just tear this thing off the wall and bash that brillo-pad/combover headed building sup in the face if he doesn�t adjust this to make the towels longer. Oh, and have a nice day� Lucky for the building sup, he forgot to adjust one of the dispensers, so I trekked over to that one and stood there waving my hands like an ass until I got a handful of towels. Then I came back to my desk and realized that I had a puddle under my chair so I had to go back and get more, grumbling about not having the independent rolls of towels around anymore. Have I mentioned how much I hate those automatic towel dispensers? Yeah, I thought so. Have I mentioned how much I hate our building sup even more? Because I do. I need a new job.

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka�.

- Stolen from the prisoners. The big spill left my desk sticky right below my keyboard, so on my second trip back to get paper towels, I spied an unattended cleaning cart over in the atrium. The building that I work in is in the same complex as our state prison, so we have prisoners who are close to getting out as our cleaning crew. It�s�great. Anyway, after some furtive glances to make sure no one is looking, I made my way over to the cart and grabbed some spray cleaner. Then I ran back to my desk, gave it a few sprays, and ran back to replace it. It all took place in our open indoor courtyard, so if anyone on the second or third floor was looking down at me, they now think I�m an ass. Or at least more of an ass than they had previously thought. And I don�t care, because have I mentioned that I need a new job? And I don�t know why I thought I was doing something bad by taking the prisoners� cleaning supplies, but I know I would have gotten yelled at by the building sup if he saw me do it. Have I mentioned how much I dislike him? Yes? Moving on then.

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka�.

- Had 4 phone messages from the same person. You know, that kind of annoyance is going to make me REALLY not want to call back, especially knowing that the matter is not an emergency. One is enough, thank you. And the woman calling? Yeah, she�s just been moved to the bottom of my callback list. And my pants are covered in sticky tea spots. [sigh]

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka�.

- Had the pleasure of seeing a dead mouse stuck in a trap in the KITCHEN right near the refrigerator where my lunch is. Aww, the poor thing. He�s so cute! But also? I know they never travel alone. The cute thing only works when it takes place FAR away from my precious food.

So to sum up, I work in a mice-infested building with a jackass maintenance supervisor who only allows us finger-sized paper towels and leaves dead rodents lying around. Oh, and inmates wander around all day, emptying my trash and stealing my magazines and newspapers from my recycling bin. Oh wait, AND my job is boring and soul-sucking. I think I was pretty dead-on when I mentioned that I need a new job.

The only thing that is keeping me sane today is the jaunty �Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka� tune that is stuck in my head after seeing the trailer for the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie that comes out in July. Ah, Johnny Depp and Tim Burton � I love it when you boys play together. You can watch the trailer here on the movie�s official site, but don�t say I didn�t warn you about the �Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka� getting stuck in your head. Ah, it�s nice and sunny � just what I need. Now I want to go home and watch the trailer again just to hear Johnny Depp say, �Chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum I hate the most.� Bless you, Mr. Depp for always trumping sticky pants and dead mice.

Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka�.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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