Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-01-12 || Poker! Blackjack! Mars!
Damn you, Veronica Mars!

Of course, I mean that in the best way. But man, I REALLY needed to get to bed last night after The Amazing Race, but the Mars was too tempting so I stayed up to watch it (after my post-Race phone conference with my brother, of course). And today I have pretty much nothing to do at work for the rest of the afternoon so it�s making me crave naptime even more. But really, I don�t know why more people aren�t watching this show, because it rocks. It just keeps getting better and better. Well played, UPN. Don�t you dare cancel it. (Although maybe you can scoot it over to Wednesday at 9 so my viewing schedule will be easier. Thanks. Kisses!)


In other news, I�m going to a post-holiday party at a casino this weekend and I am so tempted to forgo my usual blackjack-playing and sit myself down at a poker table. Thankfully, they don�t have Texas Hold �Em tables, or the temptation would be much greater. But still � I want to be a badass and play poker. There is one slight problem with the whole idea, though � I�m horrible. My "skills" are the reason that I've only played strip poker once in my life. (When you're the sober one playing with a bunch of drunk people and you're the naked one? That's a problem.) I know how to basically play a smart game, but I have a real problem actually doing it. (Also, it�s much easier playing around at home when I�m playing with chips that don�t represent my actual money.) My whole problem is that I like to play too much. I don�t like folding one bit. I feel left out or something. It�s like I�m 8 years old and upset about my brother not including me in playing Star Wars with him and his friends. When my mother would sometimes make him include me, I always got stuck with the damaged Chewbacca with the green legs, who lived in �Bumtown.� Still, like I am with poker today, I wanted to PLAY! Therefore, while playing poker I will sit there with a crap hand and keep adding my little chips into the pot, thinking that I may get lucky even though there is virtually NO way in hell that I can even get a pair out of the hand that I have. I don�t know why I have such a thing about folding, but it just makes me sad. �Oh, but what if those last 2 cards will give me a straight? Well, there�s no shot after that first one. Oh, but maybe I can get some magical new hand, like a Royal Almost-Pair! Sweet! Here, take my chips, take them!!!1� [sigh] So sad. However, you know what makes me more sad? Losing my money. I will just have to remember that as I pass the tables and gaze at them longingly. Just someone remember to point me to the blackjack tables. Hell, that DVD recorder I want ain�t going to buy itself, you know?

101 in 1001 Accomplishment of the Day: #21
Bless you, Max Factor Lipfinity! ("Glistening" - a muted, perfect everyday red.)

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