Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-09-25 || Let the Fall TV Season Begin!
Random Thoughts From the First Week of Fall TV:

- I keep seeing that Gap commercial set to Earth, Wind & Fire's September. Claudia Schiffer's pants are so tight. I know they're supposed to be stretch pants and all, but damn. There's going to be all kinds of problems going on downtown if she keeps wearing pants that tight. My crotch refuses to watch that commercial.

- Wherefore art thou Warren Cheswick? Are you with Lane Kim? Paris Gellar?

- I know everyone loves this show, but I watched The Bachelor for the first time last night and just found it to be amazingly bad. At least the folks over at Joe Millionaire seemed to revel in its badness. The ones at The Bachelor are kind of sincere about it being so romantic. It's a little painful to watch. Filler much? And those girls? Crazy. Ridiculous. Scary. If that wasn't enough, then Bob went and got rid of the only seemingly normal one. [sigh] No more Bachelor for me, thanks.

- Every season I seem to ask myself this same question: have some of these contestants never seen Survivor before? Why do they always act surprised that they're hungry and tired? "I never thought it would be so hard...." Ugh. The load this year is just chock full of unlikable people, but that's not necessarily bad. There's only a few that don't rub me the wrong way. But Osten tonight and his whining and saying that he would never be in this situation in his normal life and will never be all outdoorsy again - what show did he think he was auditioning for again? I get so angry when these people are so stupid. I must be angry a lot.

- Mo Rocca has surprisingly nice legs.

That's all for now, still some more new TV to go. I'm glad to be back in my routine again. Every time my mom has asked me if I wanted to do stuff this week I just kept asking, "Will I be done by 8?" Priorities - they're what you need in this life. Priorities and a little Warren Cheswick.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Eric Balfour
We started dating when he played the devil in that Mitsubishi commercial. The WB better hurry up with Fearless so I can look at him all the time. (Still don't know who he is? Fine, I'll just say it. He was the guy with Jessica Biel when she got Punk'd. I hate having to resort to referencing that show.) But really, how can you go wrong with a guy who was in Can't Hardly Wait AND the infamous Fred Savage beats up Candace Cameron TV movie? You can't. Bonus points - look who he hangs with:

Comments? Sign My Guestbook! (But only if you're not going to yell at me about not liking The Bachelor :-O)

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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