Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-09-23 || Of Dorffs And Dorks
Stephen Dorff, why hast thou forsaken me?

Oh man, I went to see Cold Creek Manor over the weekend, and boy did that suck. I can't remember the last time I actually laughed out loud in the theater because a movie was so unbelievably bad. The screenwriter should be ashamed of himself. The movie had a lot of potential, but everything was wasted. My brother and I spent a good portion of our dinner time after the movie laughing and dissecting all of the pointless things in the movie until I had to finally throw up my hands in defeat because I had run out of answers. I probably should have known better, seeing that Sharon Stone was in it. She hasn't made a good movie in quite some time. Actually, she's probably only been in 2 or 3 good movies in her whole career. Dennis Quaid should know better, though. I can't say anything about Stephen Dorff and his movie track record, because he is one of my celebrity boyfriends and one of my former Sims husbands until he caught me cheating on him with Jimmy Fallon and Taylor Hanson and moved out. My Sim-Pam is such a neighborhood whore. Anyway, the only good thing about Cold Creek Manor comes courtesy of Mr. Dorff, so I will still defend him. The good thing he contributes? He walks around in a few scenes like this:

Mmm-hmm. This picture actually doesn't even come close to doing it justice. The first time his shirt comes off, he is glistening with sweat and his pelvic bones are even more pronounced. (That's my favorite part of a guy) I involuntarily let out a "(Whoo) Yeah!" when he came on flaunting those things. Aww yeah. That's what I'm talking about. ROWR!


After that hormone party, I went to church the next morning and saw TB. That's what I'm calling my young Jake-Gyllenhaal-but-prettier fake boyfriend now. TB. Nothing to do with the disease. Anyhoo, I'm still an idiot when it comes to him. Nothing new. I turned around at one point to sneak a peek and he was looking right at me. Being on hello terms with him, the normal thing to do in this circumstance is smile and/or wave. But remember, we're talking about me here, the infamous fake plant waterer - here's what I did:

Inside Pam's Head: Smile. Wave. C'mon, acknowledge him. What are you doing? Smile, dammit!

Pam: Guh....

Pam's Head: You look like a friggin' deer caught in headlights! What are you doing? Smile!! Nod! Wave! Move! STOP STARING WITH YOUR MOUTH HANGING OPEN. NOW SMILE, DAMN YOU!

Pam: Guh.... [finally looks away]

Pam's Head: I hate you. Idiot!

Yeah, so I'll pretty much never be seeing him naked. Damn.


Finally, tonight marks the official beginning of Pam's Fall TV Extravaganza! (Survivor was the unofficial start) Woo! Gilmore Girls tonight! Woo! Ed tomorrow night! Woo! Television Without Pity recaps starting up full force again! Woo! Pretty much the end of my weeknight social life until repeat season! ...Woo?

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Travis Fimmel
Speaking of Fall TV, this hottie shows up Sunday in Tarzan. It looks pretty bad, but he's looking pretty hot, so I can take that trade-off. Well, as long as he takes his shirt off within the first five minutes, which I hear that he does. Word.

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