Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-06-27 || The Buffoon's Friday Five
[smirk] Oh man, life just isn�t good if you can�t laugh at yourself, right? [snigger] I�m such a buffoon, but it�s fun. I was just sitting at my desk, laughing by myself for five minutes straight, and one of my coworkers walked in and gave me the strangest look. She�s one of the few here who doesn�t really know that I�m weird. I think she does now that she found me alone and cackling at my desk. I couldn�t help it � I had just made an ass out of myself. Not that that�s anything new, but it�s still funny. Let me backtrack to what I was laughing about � this week has been a relatively good Pseudo-Gavin week. We're on Hello Terms now. I love that. I was on break Wednesday, and saw him heading into the office so I went outside to pass him on the walk. He smiled when he saw me coming, so I said hello and he let out a hearty, �How ya doin�?� All I could muster up was a stammered, �Good,� as I walked away, trying not to melt. Ah, good looking guys, ain�t nothing like it. Fake boyfriends like Pseudo-Gavin are even better, because you can just look and flirt and laugh, not caring. I just got over a bad breakup, I don�t want another boyfriend right now. I want a fake one. They�re more fun! You can act like a fool and giggle like a schoolgirl because you�re ridiculous and you don�t care. Yay! Today I saw him coming in, so I stood right in front of the window facing the walkway, and he looked up and just stared at me. I smiled and waved, and he did the same. He laughed, too. That prompted my five-minute fit of spontaneous laughter that scared my coworker. I�ve been told not to wave my Smashing Hulk at the window when he comes by, that that might �scare� him. Eh, I don�t know, it�s possible he�s a warlock. There�s a �Resident� sticker on his car for Salem, Massachusetts. Maybe he�s a wizard instead. Should I start calling him Harry Potter? Nah, he looks too much like Gavin. Mmmm. Okay, I need to stop blabbing, because it is Friday, and that means it�s time for the Friday Five:

1. How are you planning to spend the summer [winter]?
I�m so boring. I live on the coast, yet haven�t been to the beach since 1988. I don�t like the whole bathing-suit-in-public thing. Hopefully catch some time by the pool, play some whiffleball, and just generally be happy and have fun.

2. What was your first summer job?
I worked the snack bar at a summer theater. It was a fun job. We didn�t have to do much, could eat anything we wanted, and then could stay for the shows for free. We�d be done working by the time the main act came on, but it was a lot of old-timers coming to perform. I mainly stayed for the comedians. (Seinfeld!) I also got to weasel my way backstage to meet Trisha Yearwood and bow down at the feet of Shari Lewis.

3. If you could go anywhere this summer [winter], where would you go?
Oh man, I have no idea. I haven�t been to an amusement park in years and years, so maybe I�d go to Six Flags.

4. What was your worst vacation ever?
The first time I went to Vegas I ended up having a really bad reaction to medication I was taking. I was there for one day and went home the next morning.

5. What was your best vacation ever?
Probably a tie between this year�s Vegas trip and Disney with Lucy in 1993.

Boy, I was kinda boring with those answers. Sorry! I�m not a big vacation person. I don�t travel well. But hey, it�s Friday, and time for the weekend. I�m heading to the new Charlie�s Angels tomorrow night. Crispin Glover!!! I love the fact that he doesn�t speak. Kick ass. I can�t wait. I hope he doesn�t speak again � that would ruin it for me. What an easy job that must be. You don�t have to learn any lines � you just show up, look creepy, and get paid. Word! Creepy Rules.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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