Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-07 || That Don't Impress Me Much....
I've got cabin fever, he's got cabin fever, she's got cabin fever - they're in love!

Hey, it finally stopped snowing!! This is what I woke up to this morning:

Yeah, so yesterday ended up being mostly a waste of a good weekend day. I did get a lot of things done at home, but I missed the big party. This morning my mom and I ventured out of the house to hit a couple of stores before the big rush. The funniest thing about going out with someone in my family is that they usually ask if you want to go one or two places and then, once you're out, add a few more to the mix. My mom trapped me with this tactic today and made me go to a place I would normally never go - Lowe's.

Home improvement stores + Pam = hives. I hate them. I don't know what most of the stuff in there is for, and frankly, I really don't want to know. But I think the worst part for me is the smell that slaps you right in the face when you walk in - a big potpourri of lumber-y stank. And they all smell the same, no matter where you are. The new Lowe's that I went in today had one thing going for it - no birds. For some odd reason, the Home Depot near me always has birds in there, flying around in the rafters. That can't be sanitary. And you know me with the birds. Not my friends. Trying to kill me. Anyway, so today I just instructed my mother to get what she needed toot-sweet, and then we were out of there. Meanwhile, I'm still trying to get that stench out of my mind hours later. Gah.


Aww, Red & Rover made me a little misty today. Should comics do that??


Right now I'm supposed to be finishing the murder mystery play, but instead I'm doing what I do best - procrastinating. I have more important things to do! Like tell you about my recent discovery of yet another reason why I'm single:

In addition to being extremely picky, I've also discovered that my affinity for strange things hinders my chances with men. It also doesn't help that I make no effort to hide this. For example, the other day I was talking to a guy who I believe was trying to ask me out on a nice date, but I have the tendency to just kill things. This guy said to me, "I've been wanting to ask you something...if I got tickets for the Festival Ballet...." He didn't even finish before I involuntarily blurted out, "Ew!" Juuuust the reaction I'm sure all men are looking for when asking a woman out. I am so smooth. However, in my defense, I must also add that this guy knows me pretty well. And if he knows anything about me at all, he should know better than to ask me to the ballet. Pam + the Ballet = No. Just no. I can't even sit through it to mock it.

I'm also not a big flowers and candy kind of girl. Sure, flowers are nice and appreciated, but they're not going to impress me. Which is fine, because I'm not looking to be impressed. I'm not into things like that. Keep your flowers - just make me laugh. That's more important to me than anything. I'm not saying I don't like little gifts - I do - I just like things that are a little more personal. And maybe even a little strange. It just shows some thought went into it. For instance, my last boyfriend gave me a foot-long wooden carrot with a silly face painted on it. I don't know why, but it's one of the funniest and cutest things I've ever seen in my life. I used to have it standing right in the middle of my desk at work, and it always made me smile. Flowers are pretty and nice, but they die. Candy gets eaten. Wooden carrots? They last forever, baby. Well, unless termites get them. But I still love and cherish that carrot to this day. Maybe someday I can even take it out and put it in my room, but not yet. It still makes me smile and cringe too much - I'm not ready for the carrot yet. But when I am, I'll have it.

And let me issue one more warning for guys - do not try to take me to a fancy restaurant. I don't want to go. In addition to my dietary restrictions, I am a ridiculously picky eater. I like junk. If you're trying to take me somewhere that puts some kind of mushroomy sauce on everything, or a place that serves duck, chances are pretty good you will never get anywhere near the inside of my pants. Take me out for some ribs or a good plate of chicken parmesan. And when I say Burger King is my favorite place to eat? I'm not kidding. Seriously.

I'm a simple girl. I'm relatively low maintenance. I'm not looking for you to impress me or wow me. I'm looking for you to love me. I'm looking for you to make me laugh. Play Prison Rules Uno with me and my friends, curl up by the TV and snuggle with me, etc. See? It's pretty simple. Ballet? No. The circus? Yes. Fancy restaurants? No. Dive bars with karaoke? Yes. Blue Man Group? Hell, no. [shudder]

If I love you, I'll pretty much go anywhere with you. If you love me, you'll know where not to take me. And if you love me and are still trying to get me to go to Blue Man Group - well, then it's over. Clearly.

Yes, it's a real wonder why I'm single. [sigh] Before I go, here's some more winter love for you warm-climate folks out there:

CD Pick of the Day: Merry Christmas, Mariah Carey
Hey, I thought in the spirit of all of the snow, why not? Whatever Mariah has done to herself in the last few years, this album still stands as a testament to when she was enjoyable to listen to. Classic and pure unadulterated fun, this CD stands the test of time with me.

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