Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-12-05 || Killjoy, Thy Name Is Snow
Snow can be such a bastard.

Aside from severely limiting shoe choice, sometimes the snow just shits white stuff all over your plans. Like this weekend. Tonight Lucy and I had planned on crashing the super-secret Christmas party being attended by all of the strapping young finance guys who share my work building. A plethora of hot guys + alcohol = I'm there. But then this damn storm hit and I slid halfway home, my commute taking twice its usual time. I think it was after seeing the 3rd car accident on my way home that I decided I wasn't going back out an hour later. Dammit. Hopefully they all had the same thoughts and rescheduled the party. I'll find out next week. I hope so, because I really like the thought of that aforementioned equation. Aww to the yeah, baby.

Anyhoo, the snow also means I'm skipping the party-that-turned-out-to-be-less-than-a-party tomorrow. It sounds more like a family day, with Santa and a petting zoo and all. A petting zoo? At a Christmas party? I'm thinking all of the guys I want to go see at the party may not be there, because the ones I want are single and don't have children to bring. The ideal situation would be if it happened to be a party for the single folk and the hot guys were all part of the petting zoo. Yes, the heavy petting zoo. Can I get a word? Word.

Gah, I think the snow is driving me insane.

I had at least hoped to get one last hurrah in with the boys from next door because I found out this morning that I should be getting a promotion very soon. It's good in some ways and bad in others. The good thing is, obviously, the promotion and a lot more money. Also, I'd be having less client contact, which always pleases me. The other good thing is that I'd be a lot closer to home, which leads right into bad thing #1 - I'll be transferring offices. No more cute boys all day. I love my office, I love the people there, I love everything about it. I hear the people in the office I'm going to don't really believe in fun. Great. I can transfer out after 6 months, which is what I plan to do. I want to get back to the office where I'm at now.

But it may be a good thing that I'll be taking a temporary leave from my place. I need to get away from G McG for a little while, to get the lingering crush out of my system. As of yesterday, I've gone cold turkey on not thinking about him. I also found out today that he's seeing someone, which definitely helps the cold turkeying. By the way, no offense to the ladies out there, but I totally hate girlfriends. Wives, too. They're always in the way. (For those of you 'in the know,' you know what else I need to get away from at the office. Resist, RESIST!!!!)

All of this may not even happen yet, though. I'll find out next week. I don't know what I want to happen yet. The ideal situation would be to be promoted and stay at my office, but alas, that is not possible. So I guess I'll just wait and see. In the meantime, I'll just sit here and curse the snow. I'm also looking forward to tomorrow morning because I can sleep in. Ah, sleep, gloooorious sleeeeeep, how I love you! Hey, I wonder if the sandman is single.... Okay, yeah, the snow is definitely making me insane. Happy weekend, y'all.

CD Pick of the Day: Temptation, by Shelby Lynne.
Old school Shelby at her absolute finest. I enjoy her new album, but nothing even comes close to this. A masterpiece of torch songs with a little bit of blues, a little bit o' country, and a whole lotta big band. Timeless.

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