Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-07-24 || Where the Boys Are.... Where???
Where have all the cowboys gone?

My cousin and I hit the town last night, looking for some fun and random boys to flirt with. I don't know what was going on, but everywhere we went was like a ghost town. I swear the first place we went had tumbleweeds rolling around on the floor. You could hear the distant whistling in the background. We stayed for half a drink and then moved on to greener pastures. Or so we thought. The next place we went was advertising 'Ladies Night' and cheap wings. Woo! We were the only two females in the place. Normally, that would be a good thing, but in this case the rest of the patrons were either scary, creepy, or my dad's age. Spectacular. This is the second time in a row that I've gone bar-hopping and there's no one out. We ended up at "my" bar where there were actually a few people. Lucy and I tried going to 3 different places last Friday, and we also ended up at "our" bar at the end of the night. We discovered that it is really true what they say, sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name. Or at least where the bartenders know you and know how to make your drinks. In my case, that would be weak. Total lightweight.

Anyway, my cousin and I were chatting up some random regulars and one of them was just ridiculous. If you cut him, cheese would have poured from his veins. And the worst part about these type of guys is that they think they are the shit. In their minds, they are just the living end. That is, until they meet me and I laugh in their faces. My cousin just distanced herself and blew him off. I guess that's another way to handle a guy who asks in all seriousness, "Whaddya chicks do?" "So what's up tonight? So hey, huh? (points to himself) Come on, eh?" "You chicks married?" He just kept on and on. Lucy and I would say that he was total classy, with a 'k.' We don't even need to say a word now, one of us will just turn to the other and say, "With a 'K'" and we smirk and nod. What is wrong with some guys? This one didn't like it when I asked about his jean shorts and if they were still in style. I just have personal issues with jean shorts myself. I find them wrong on guys, but that's just me. I think 1996 disagrees with me, but hey. To each his own. I'm still holding true to my personal theory that all of the normal, nice guys are hanging out at each other's houses watching sports or playing video games. One night the girls and I are just going to have to drive around, looking for clusters of cars and then ring the doorbell and ask, "Are there boys here?" I should probably hone my John Madden Football skills first. Yes, yes.

Oh yes, and remember how I talked about the funny things I remember about guys in my last entry? Coincidentally, Lucy had an addition to her arsenal of memories that same night. A guy picked her up for a date in a minivan. He has no kids. Just has a minivan. Not sure why, but guys? Not a plus. Just saying. I'm not sure which is worse, though, the minivan or the actual van. Vans are so mad rapist-y. I guess the minivan gets the edge because if it's a nice one, you can go in the back seat and watch a movie if the guy bores you. But this poor guy is now going to be the minivan guy. Yes, we're horrible. But a bonus for me, I got to tease Lucy all yesterday with, "If the minivan's a rockin'...."

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Yahoo Serious
Forget Heath Ledger and Hugh Jackman - this is the REAL Aussie babe. But why does it always seem like I'm the only person on the planet who saw Young Einstein and thought, "Ooh, he's hot!" What? Because I am? Oh. Makes sense then.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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