Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-07-21 || More Curses & More Grimes

I can NOT believe this.

As some of you may know, the building that I work in now is affectionately called 'The Rusty Bucket.' It's old and rusty and the room I work in used to be a cafeteria kitchen. The bathrooms aren't too bad, but they are by no means fancy or new. The toilets are a little on the old side, but they work, and half of the stalls have working locks on the doors, so there is something. Anyway, last week I walked into the bathroom and came face-to-face with one of my mortal enemies: the motion-activated paper towel dispenser. I still don't understand what these things are doing in there. There are ten sinks in the bathroom - three of them have working faucets. Why are they not fixing the faucets or putting locks on the stalls? Why do we need the evil paper towel dispensers when we have eleven of the normal kind in the bathroom??!! It's got to be a new off-shoot of my bathroom curse. Of course, today it finally happened. I can't believe it waited this long. I was just telling a co-worker yesterday about my adventures with the automatic paper towel dispensers, and how surprisingly, the ones at work have been working just fine. Well, they were until today. And thankfully I was once again alone in the bathroom when it happened. I thought it was a joke as I stood there and waved my hands in front of the sensor, only to be met with silence and still-dripping hands. Bastard. I tried my now-patented "hiding" technique, but that didn't work either. I also did the ol' hand on the sensor and then taken away quickly maneuver, but to no avail. The machine had won again. Stupid damn bastard machine. I just stood there and shook my head in disbelief. This was all made even more maddening when a co-worker came in to wash her hands while I was drying mine the old fashioned way and had the machine work for her the first try. I just stood there with anger boiling inside. It was at that moment that I actually wanted to beat the shit out of a frigging paper towel dispenser. That thing is so lucky that I don't carry a baseball bat in my car. I fully expected Ashton Kutcher to be standing outside of the bathroom when I came out, pointing and laughing at me. The worst part about the whole thing is that the towels that come out of the automatic dispenser are SO much better than the old fashioned ones. This makes me hate that thing even more. Maybe I'll threaten it tomorrow. Does anyone have that "It's Good To Be a Gangsta" song?


I got this e-mail from my friend Jerry the other day in response to the last entry and our discussion of the masterful Scott Grimes and the art of the syndicated sitcom:

"I'm honored. To have my name associated with a Scott Grimes reference is not anything that I had ever expected to achieve within my lifetime. If someone had tried to tell me, all those years ago when I was watching Scott on the short-lived CBS sitcom "Nothing is Easy," that one day he and I would inexplicably be joined in a verse that would also include the words "Marblehead Manor" and "Out of this World," then I would have told that person that he was crazy. But today, such a thing happened. God bless America."

It's too bad that Jerry and I are not meant to be anything more than the best of friends, because I love that guy, especially with his wealth of random TV knowledge. I also forgot to note in that last entry that we did decide on one syndicated sitcom that could be considered as the exception to the "they all suck" rule. And what is that? Well, the guilty pleasure gem that is Mama's Family. Word to Mama.

Non-Diaryland Link of the Day: Damn Hell Ass Kings
Links to some of the great online reads. Updated often for optimum laughs.

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2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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