Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-11-02 || New York, New Yoooorrrk
So I'm peeing staples.

That's it. Nothing really more to add to that. I'm peeing staples. Well, just two. They must have come from some surgery I had last summer. It's still odd to see small pieces of metal coming out of you, though. Maybe they're not staples - maybe I'm the Bionic Woman! YEAH!!! Oh wait, Halloween's over. Damn.

So yeah, I'm back from my little jaunt to New York on Thursday. The Daily Show was awesome as expected, and that Jon Stewart is a total little cutie. Sadly, no Stephen Colbert that night, but we did get Lewis Black. Woo! I think that's a pretty fair trade, no? Especially when you get to run into Mr. Black walking down the street outside after the show. He rocks pretty hard. Ed Helms also passed by pre-show when we were waiting in line, but Colbert eluded me. Well played this time, Colbert. There will always be a next time. Mwwuuuhhaaahhahahaa.... At least my non-Colbert and minimal Jon Stewart interaction saved me from having my eyes clawed out by randommuse. I think she was kidding about that, though. Yeah, she was. I think. Yeah. [P.S. It was great talking to you, girl!]

Anyway, I did get to spend a little time trolling the city before the show. My brother wanted to check out Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, so we hit that first. I've come to realize that wax people freak me out a little. Juuust a smidgen. We then headed to ESPNZone for lunch where I experienced a different kind of weirded out. There are TVs everywhere, which is fine, because it is a sports-themed restaurant after all. But I mean EVERYWHERE, as in above the door of every stall in the women's bathroom. Why??? I can understand the ones above the urinals in the men's bathroom because most men have that whole sports-worship thing going on where they can't possibly miss a moment, but I don't know many women who share that same gusto. Most women I know can stand to miss the 2 minutes of the game that it takes to go to the bathroom, or better yet, go during a commercial. Also, I don't know about you, but especially when I'm out in a public restroom, I just want to go in there, do what I need to do, and be on my way. I'm not going to be spending any extra time in there, especially to watch TV. Weird. The other freaky part about having the TVs in the stalls? Minimal light. It must be to make the screen brighter, but sometimes I need a little more light to see what I'm doing. I'm just saying.

Next up, we headed up through Times Square where we came upon the Naked Cowboy and his pretty shaved legs. Why can't I get mine that smooth? Hey, I had to look at something besides his tighty whities. After that, we made a quick stop by the Ed Sullivan Theater and stared at Rupert over in the Hello Deli before making our way over to the other side of town where The Daily Show is taped. We settled into the line and passed the time laughing with everyone else as we watched this poor kid try to parallel park in front of the building. It was pure comedy. We finally went in for the show, and that thing is run like a tightly oiled ship. It was pretty impressive. There was a short warm-up comedian and then Jon comes out and chats with the audience for a few. After that, it's showtime and it just moves. Bob Newhart was the guest the night we were there, but his segment won't air until this week. Strange. After the show I was pretty drained so we just headed back to Grand Central and headed home. Good times.

I haven't gotten to finish up my roll of film yet, but I did take some pictures with my digital camera to document my monkey's adventures for the day. That's where the Naked Cowboy and Lewis Black pictures are anyway, so if you want to check them out, click here. In the meantime, I'm going to go do what I do best - pee staples. Huzzah!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Robert Downey, Jr.
Yeah, I'm overlooking all of the, um, unpleasantness with the drugs and stuff. I've thought he was a cutie ever since I laid eyes on him in Back to School. Still a total cutie and an amazing, amazing actor. Plus, he played my boy, Charlie Chaplin.

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before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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