Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-10-29 || Smelly Hands, Smelly Hands, What Are They Feeding You? Ganglions?
I smell like ass-tainted sawdust.

I was freaking out yesterday because my hands smelled really strange and it didn�t seem to go away. Throughout the day I would just catch a whiff when fixing my hair and wonder where the hell the horrific odor was coming from. When it seemed to stay after washing my hands, I started to think there was something wrong with me. Was I lacking a certain vitamin? Why would it just affect my hands? Should I wash my hands in tomato sauce? Can other people smell this? Will guys run away screaming from my stanky hands, leaving me to become a crazy spinster who wills all of her possessions to her stuffed animals? WHAT IS THAT SMELL???

Today, I found out. It�s the hand soap at work. The frigging hand soap. It�s disgusting! Why does it smell like that? Where do they manufacture that shit? Is it in a place that only hires those who have lost their sense of smell? If not, how did it pass by Inspector #7? Seriously, I can�t even describe the smell. It�s that heinous. And why does it attach to everything for hours? EW. I�ve already put a call in to my buddy at work to destroy it, but he says there are still 3 gallons of it left for refilling. Oh, hell no. I�m going to have to pick up some soap at the store for my own personal use. Should I warn my coworkers? Should I tell Inspector #7? At least I know it�s not me. I think that was my biggest concern. So yay! I don�t smell like ass-tainted sawdust! Yay!

I do, however, have something on my toe that sounds like a Dungeons and Dragons character. �You�re approaching a clearing. Suddenly, a ganglion drops out of a tree and steals your cloak. As a lowly cleric, that�s all you have to defend yourself. He takes your cloak and beats the shit out of you.� Or something like that. I don�t know, I played Dungeons and Dragons for twenty minutes once when I was 13. That�s all I can remember.

I�m off to the Big Apple and The Daily Show tomorrow. If either Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert should happen to go missing, you know nothing.

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day � Classic Edition: Brad Pitt
What can I say? The man is hot. Simple as that. Plus, he shared scenes with sock monkeys in Twelve Monkeys - that�s always a plus.

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