Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-06-17 || Pinwheel! Diz! Alasdair!


I�m proud to say that I am the winner of �The Great Pinwheel Debate of 2004.� The debate started the other day when I was riding in the car with my mom and she started telling me about a woman�s new pen at work. (I should first point out that my mother really should know better by now not to question my pop culture knowledge.) She said that the pen had a pinwheel on the top of it. Of course, upon hearing the word �pinwheel,� the inside of my head immediately started playing this little ditty: �Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around. Look at my pinwheel and see what I�ve found�.� If you had a similar reaction upon hearing that word, I may love you. I�m just saying. Anyway, after that I wondered aloud if Pinwheel was its own show or if it was part of another. I immediately answered myself that it was, in fact, a show all of its own, but my mother went and questioned me. She said she thought it was part of something else, and then started throwing out questions like, �Well, what show was Gary Gnu on? Wasn�t it part of that? How about 3-2-1 Contact?� I told her that Gary Gnu was on The Great Space Coaster, and that Pinwheel had nothing to do with that. Also, Pinwheel was a Nickelodeon show, not PBS. However, I couldn�t remember much about Pinwheel to back up my argument any more. I just knew that it was an actual show itself and that it was on around the time of my big crush on Alasdair from You Can�t Do That On Television. Ah, Alasdair. (Still cute now!) This led to my mother�s next statement, �Ask Jerry.� You see, my friend Jerry is the TV Guru. He has a ridiculous amount of TV knowledge floating in his head. It�s scary sometimes. And it�s not just certain shows. He almost always knows at least something about any show you throw at him. He�s the only person I can have a conversation with about Nightingales. He�s also the only person I know (outside of my family) who remembers the one episode airing of King of the Mountain on Fox.

ANYway, instead of consulting Jerry, I decided to do one better and ask Google. I was hoping to find some pictures or info that would help me remember the show more, and I did! I found it all here. Woo! And yes, it was its own show. While reading the page, I remembered a whole lot more. All my mother could hear in the other room was me shouting out random things, �Plus and Minus!!! I remember them! They were the poor man�s Bert & Ernie! (Sorry, Canada) The hobo bugs! Remember the bugs who danced in the window box? Herbert and Lulu!!! Hobo bugs! Woo! Pinwheel, pinwheel, spinning around....� Anyone else with me on this one? Plus and Minus, anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Later that night I was relaying the story to Jerry, and I mentioned Out of Control to him. He started talking about Dave Coulier, but said he only watched it once. I think I saw every episode of that show. I thought it was the best thing since Sheriff Lobo. I kinda want to see it now to see how it holds up all these years later. Anyway, I started talking about Diz, and Jerry said he didn�t remember her. I was horrified. Then I started trying to give him more information to jog his memory. �You know, she dressed really wacky and wore lots of makeup and had really long fingernails....� Nothing. �She did those really fast fairytales.� Still nothing. �AAEEIIIEEAA AAAEEEIIIEEEAAA!� The noise? He didn�t remember the noise? Nope. So then, of course, I had to keep doing it randomly throughout the rest of the conversation. It�s almost a little sad how well I can still do the Diz shriek. I was very disappointed in Jerry � he didn�t even remember Hern. �C�mon, the grouchy reporter who wore the hat with the �Press� sign on it?� Nope. �What about the robot? The inventor? The Hurry Up Machine that cleaned up your room really fast??� No, no, and no. �Cut it out?� YES. Yahtzee! Ah, relief. I had gotten a little worried about Jerry�s abilities until he did remember that, and could perform it with the correct inflection. All is well in the world again. Well, almost. Now we just need some Out of Control DVDs so Jerry can become acquainted with the Diz shriek. Until then, I�ll just have to keep it alive for him myself. AAAEEEIIIEEEAAAA!!! AAAEEEEIIIEEEAAA!!!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Since I was talking about him earlier, I�ll go old school today with the Alasdair.
(Remember Christine? She had that really bad wig that always alerted you to the fact that she was going to say �I don�t know.�)

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before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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