Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-08-18 || Oh, When The Ants Go Marching In...

My God, how did it get to be Wednesday already? I only know of one outfit I�m bringing to JournalCon, and I�m leaving Friday morning. I�ve got a play meeting after work tonight, so maybe I can squeeze in some packing later on tonight. But oh, Amish in the City is on. What? Kevan�s hot! And who doesn�t like yelling out �Mose!� at random? I guess the packing will wait for tomorrow. I could at least try to plan my outfits today, but right now there is a prisoner vacuuming in my office. Yes, you read that correctly. I was on the phone earlier when he started up a few cubicles over and found myself screaming at the client, �YOU WHAT??� My phone keeps ringing now, but I can�t answer it. Maybe he can vacuum up some of the mini ants that keep popping up on my desk. It�s gross. Every day since Monday I�ve had to be Pammy, The Mini-Ant Slayer. I hope no one around me is listening as I do my duties. �Ew! Get over here, you little bastard!� �Hey, and where are you going? Oh no, no, hey�(squish). Tell your friends.� This morning I found one in my brand new mini life-savers container. I don�t even know how it got in there, but this means war. You go near my life savers, I�m going to have to kill you and your mama, you little son of a bitch. Tell the hill that this party has just come to a screeching halt. I�m going out at lunch time to buy some ant cups to put under my desk and under my monitor. Hey, where is the prisoner going? He didn�t even vacuum half of my cubicle! I asked him if he wanted me to move! He made other people move! But the ants! The ANTS!!!


I may need to hit the batting cages at lunch to release some of this frustration. At least I do have some good news in the fact that I wrote the play the other day. That�s surprisingly early for me, considering our first read-through isn�t until a week from Sunday. But hey, I�m glad it�s done � that�s one thing I won�t have to worry about. Plus, I did get to throw an obscure Jeff Speakman joke into the play, so it�s all good. Also, I just ordered some tickets to go see David Sedaris in October. I�m ridiculously excited about that. Whee! Next on my list - just concentrate on having a kickass trip this weekend. Woo! But what to wear?

I�ll catch you all when I get back!

Co-Worker Fashion Faux Pas of the Day: A black velvet shirt and a green denim skirt.
It�s summer, for crying out loud.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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