Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-11-27 || Blah Blah Blah, Thanksgivingcakes
Gobble Gobble!

If you want to read a kick-ass Thanksgiving entry, check out what Sars has to say. She always says it all and says it best. And if you're not reading Tomato Nation yet, I have but two words for you: for shame!


Now back to life in Pamville. Our family has never had the tradition of having to announce things we're thankful for, which is actually something I'm thankful for, but I do feel like mentioning one thing here this year. My friends are the bomb diggity. And I now promise that henceforth, I shall never use the phrase "bomb diggity" again. But seriously, yo. I had a little bit of a rough time for a large portion of this year, and my pals have been there for me all the way. I've also made some great new pals (Woo Shelly and Musey!) this year who have kept me smiling. So thanks, y'all.

Ooh, I should also mention that I'm now thankful that my pal Survivor Jon will now most likely be getting his ass pummeled at the reunion special after his despicable and completely unnecessary dead grandma stunt last night. I never thought he could suck any more, but he continues to outdo himself and prove me wrong. I really don't think he can suck an more at this point now. And I really don't think he's got a good shot at getting laid in the near future by anyone who watches the show. Not that he had a shot with people who don't watch the show to begin with. Either way, I'm just saying.

Sorry for that little tangent. Now where was I? Ah yes, Turkey Day! Now that I've seen little Clayton on the Macy's Parade (Aww, Clay), it's time to prepare for the big shin-dig. Thanksgiving is at my house, as usual. This year should be interesting as we have a wild card entry to the guests. Sometimes the best part of the holiday is mixing things up with the wild card guests. Emphasis on the 'sometimes' in that statement, because our entrant this year is a great aunt who most of us haven't seen since 1989. According to sources, she's not exactly into the 'bathing every day' thing anymore. Great. Fantastic. Turkey, stuffing, and a smelly aunt on the side. Thankfully, we have a lof of guests this year, so she's in the other room. I've been relegated to the 'kid's' table, which has been renamed the 'cool' table, since the youngest kid is me at 29. I get to sit with the fun and sarcastic people, so that should pretty much guarantee that good food, good laughs, and smelly aunt hijinks will ensue. Woo! Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Jeff Probst
He gets more adorable every season. I also enjoyed him on the short-lived Rock n' Roll Jeopardy. (I would have kicked some ass on that show) He gets cuter and smarmier every day. Plus, he openly hates Jon. How can you go wrong? Love ya, Peachy.

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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