Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-11-29 || "His Ass Should Be In A Museum...."
Woo! I successfully avoided any smelly great aunt run-ins on Thursday. Yay! My success, however, leaves me with no interesting stories to tell other than, "I ate lots of brownies." I guess I'll have to rant about G. McG. instead - my work crush whom I love to hate. Shall we?

Pam: So I saw G McG today. I only caught the back of him walking through the parking lot, but it was the weirdest thing.

Lucy: What was?

Pam: If you just looked at him without knowing who it was, he totally looks like [insert name of guy Pam dated who everyone thought was gay here].

Lucy: Oh no.

Pam: He walks just like him, too. It was freaky.

Lucy: He walks like him?? What was he doing, gaywalking?

Pam: [laughing uncontrollably] Oh my God. That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. Should I make up a fake ticket and cite him for gaywalking?

Lucy: Totally.

Pam: Maybe we can give it to him at the party next week. [Side note: I wrangled an invite to the office Christmas party next door, where all the cute guys work. Aww to the yeah. I'm dragging Lucy to go trolling.]

Lucy: I can't wait to see this guy.

Pam: Did I tell you about dress down day yesterday?

Lucy: No. Did he dress down this time?

Pam: Somewhat. He had on jeans and a nice sweater. I've never seen him in jeans before, and let me just tell you - his ass should be in a museum.

Lucy: Wait, did you just say his ass should be in a museum?

Pam: Mmm-hmm. It's like candy. Who knew?

Lucy: Oh my God, you're a sicko.

Pam: Should I just go up to him at the party and say, "What's your problem? C'mon, I totally want you in my stocking. And when I say 'stocking,' I mean 'crotch.'"

Lucy: Hee! "And when I say 'you,' I mean...um...'you.'"

Pam: And when I say 'you,' I mean 'your crotch.'

Lucy: When I say 'you,' I mean...never mind.

Pam: Hee! Word.

Lucy: That's what I'm talking about.

Pam: Word to the tingle crotch.

Lucy: You know, that would be a great band name.

Pam: I was thinking that. They could open for Slut Puppy.

Lucy: I'd go see a band named Tingle Crotch. Who wouldn't?

Pam: It's just me against the tingle crotch...gonna get on the briiiidge....

Lucy: (singing) O tingle crotch, O tingle crotch, you bother Pam on the bridge....

Pam: It didn't happen today. I think it's gone now.

Lucy: That's too bad, you could have asked G McG to help you take care of it.

Pam: Ooh, good idea! Maybe I will. Wait, is that appropriate at a holiday celebration? Should I start off by telling him that his ass belongs in a museum?

Lucy: No, I think you should start off by giving him a ticket for gaywalking. I would pay to see you actually do all of this.

Pam: Yes, that's a surefire way to win over a man. Gah, why do I like him? I hate him.

Lucy: You luurve him.

Pam: Gah.


Lucy and I really have no business going to this Christmas party on Saturday, so I told her that we should do something to make total asses of ourselves. Well, something bigger than usual. I want to become legendary, so that every year at one of their parties someone will start a conversation with the words, "Remember the time those 2 crazy girls crashed the party and...?" Any ideas???

Celebrity Boyfriend of the Day: Ashton Kutcher
Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's kind of everywhere now, but he's still pretty. And nothing can take away my total affinity for him in Dude, Where's My Car? Classic.

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