Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-09-17 || 3-0, Say It Ain't So!


I turn 30 tomorrow, and the thought of it utterly horrifies me. I don't mind the whole birthday aspect, as it should be all kinds of fun tomorrow night at my 80's themed party - no, it's the age part that bothers me. 30? How did that happen? I can't be 30. I still feel like I'm 26! I don't know why it's such a thing with me, but for some reason I don't want my age starting with the number 3. I'm not ready. I still wear pigtails for crying out loud, can I do that when I'm 30 without looking like I'm trying too hard to stay young? Am I going to be one of those sad women who dress too young for their age? But what of my fun outfits? Can I still shop in Delia's? Can I still wear shirts with monkeys on them? Can I still wear my fishnets? What about my short skirts?? Am I past that now? Oh, say it isn't so!!!!

Okay, yeah - I'm probably making too big a deal out of this. I mean, 30 isn't THAT old. I think I can still pull most of those off. I just wonder at what age it starts getting sad. Hopefully it's somewhere where your age starts with a 4. And really, I don't look or act my age, so I shouldn't worry. I think Lucy had the smart idea the other day when she told a guy that she was 25. She can totally pull it off, and so can I. Wait, have I reached that magical time in a woman's life when she starts lying about her age? That's not too bad in itself. I can still be 26! I don't know if I could pull it off, though. I think I'd screw up all the time and talk about pop culture things that I would be too young to know about, like The Electric Company and the original Zoom. I'd talk about seeing Star Wars at the drive-in and be busted right at the get-go. I guess I'll just have to learn to accept it and embrace it, but damn if I won't be kicking and screaming the entire time. Gah.


TV Update - as the fall season starts to unfold, I am already loving it. Jack & Bobby far exceeded my expectations in its excellence, and The Apprentice turned in the best boardroom yet last night. However, with the advent of the new season, there is one downside - the end of The Amazing Race next week. Oh, it's been so good this time around. "My ox is broken!" is one of the greatest moments I've seen on TV in years. I know a new season of the show is starting in a few weeks, but it sucks that it's going to be on Saturday nights. I'm hating CBS right now for that. My fingers are crossed that one of their new shows tanks so they can move The Race to a more sensible time slot. Here's to hoping they have some more nutjobs in the next one. Woo!


In other news, I can't believe that I'm updating, as that means that I've actually torn myself away from The Sims 2 for a little while. I got it Wednesday and have been sucked right in ever since. Oh, how I love the new Make-a-Sim thing. I could spend hours just building families. In fact, I have. I've been spending so much time building families and kick-ass houses that I haven't had much time to actually play the game yet. One hour in and I was already using the money cheat. My Sims are greedy!!!! But now I've got the whole day ahead of me today to play, and that looks to be the only thing on my calendar. Speaking of which, Pamville calls. Catch you all when I re-emerge again, and next time I should have pictures from the 80's bash. Get your big hair and acid wash jeans ready....

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2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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