Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-09-20 || We Love The Eighties

Warning: images of fashion atrocities ahead. Remember that I warned you when you are clawing your eyes out afterwards. Shall we?

Saturday night I had my big 80�s themed birthday party, and it was a blast. Everyone got very much into the theme and looked beautifully horrific in their outfits. Like Sassy said, she looked in the mirror when she finished getting dressed and wanted to barf. I was smart enough to keep myself away from mirrors most of the night so as not to heave upon seeing my acid wash denim skirt. However, now there are enough pictures of me wearing it that I can never run for public office. Oh well. Anyway, like I said, we all had a great time. There was karaoke, 80�s trivia, bad fashion, 80�s tunes, and a whole lot of laughter. And don�t forget making fools of ourselves � that is always a must. There was also a bit of bad planning on the part of many of my friends who had to stop and get gas on their way to the party. They all showed up quite mortified from the looks they were getting at the gas station. Hee! But I think the best quote of the night and the perfect summation of the event came from my friend�s husband, who announced, �This looks like one of the lunch tables in Pretty in Pink. Awesome.

See for yourself � here are some pictures from the night:

Here�s I am with Sassy, celebrating our hideous get-ups.

�What a feeling�.�

Liz was working the Flashdance outfit as well.

Sassy, me and my swatch watches (you can't wear just one, you know), Lucy and her leg warmers, Joe and his mullet, and Rachel in her �Jackee� dress.

I think Pimps are pretty much timeless.

Lucy and I busting out some tunes.

My friend Ted and his wife � sadly, they weren�t singing the Ozzy/Lita Ford duet.

My friend Fina and her husband, the infamous �Sinatra Bob.� He croons like nobody�s business!

Punky Brewster and Magnum P.I. made an appearance. You can�t see it, but Punky even had the key around her neck and the mismatched shoes. It was awesome.

I think it was Pratt who thought Sassy was channeling her inner Debbie Gibson. I thought it was more of a Cyndi Lauper/Gibson hybrid with a little Some Kind of Wonderful thrown in. The fluorescent green fishnet gloves were the topper.

The girls breaking out Salt n� Pepa�s Push It.

And for all of the ladies out there, I give you the eye candy of the evening in my cousin Brian, rockin� the skinny tie.

This was the karaoke performance of the night � Lucy and Magnum pulling out Bust a Move. I�m telling you, you can�t get a better backup performer than Miss Lucy.

Speaking of which, I enlisted her and Magnum for my rendition of Fame. I believe it was just before this that Lucy�s outfit finally rejected her body and she changed into normal clothes, laughing at us all the way. I�m still shaking my fist at her and the fact that I didn�t think of doing that.

I think this is the perfect way to end it � with the totally 80�s pose. John Hughes, call us!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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