Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2004-09-23 || My Boring (And Exciting!) Lives


I�ve really got nothing to say today, but I wanted to get those scary pictures off the index page. The acid wash is making people�s eyes bleed. That can never be good. Anyway, I wish I had some excitement going on to tell you all about, but truth be told I�ve been completely boring lately. Because of that, I will make up something exciting that I�ve been up to:

Oh my God everyone!!! So much is happening right now that I don�t even know where to begin. The other day, Jared Leto just showed up on my front door out of nowhere. He said he had a dream that led him to me and that he would cut his hair, shave, and bathe if only I would promise to make him my love slave. What a sweetie. Then Emo Philips called and told me that he and his wife had split and that he couldn�t stop thinking about me ever since he pulled me onto his lap for a picture a couple of years ago. (Actually, the part about the split and the lap-sitting is true) He begged me to let him become my personal comedian and love slave. It was all so overwhelming. The next day I awoke to find Ed McMahon standing at my door with balloons and a check for 10 million dollars. �But Ed,� I protested, �I didn�t even enter your contest.� Ed just smiled and winked and said that a friend had snagged my entry form and sent it in for me. He moved aside to reveal the friend who helped me and there stood Taylor Hanson. He told me that he had left his wife and said there was no other woman for him besides me. He begged for my love and promised to be my personal love slave. Oh, what to do?? I grabbed my check and immediately quit my job and decided that I would never work again! I think I�ll just move somewhere where I can be happy living with my 3 love slaves in perfect harmony. Wow, I can�t believe all of that happened in one week! What could possibly be next??!

Yeah, that sounds much better than what has really been going on: Go to work, come home and watch The Ellen Degeneres Show, eat dinner, watch The Daily Show, bathe, settle in for the night with the new fall TV (curse programmers for putting shows on at the same time, causing me to have to TiVo some to add to the next night�s viewing), sleep. Get up the next morning and lather, rinse, and repeat. Woohoo. I haven�t even had time to get back to what�s REALLY important: namely, The Sims 2. Hopefully this weekend. But then again, I do have that ten million dollars to spend. Oh wait, that�s right � I don�t. Dammit.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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