Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2005-06-29 || When The Workplace Snack Fairy Strikes

Boy, I feel like I have nothing exciting going on in my personal life since I keep writing about work lately. But I�ve noticed something so fascinating that I must know if this is normal.

Every day when I come into work, I walk by one of the aforementioned mammoth pen-eating file cabinets that is set right on the �main drag.� Every day, without fail there is some kind of snack on top for people to enjoy. I don�t know who brings in the food, but it�s always there. And it�s always something different. The first week, there was a basket of peanuts there. Nothing strange about that. Then there was popcorn. Still nothing out of the ordinary. Gumdrop/Chuckle-type things showed up next (I believe these fall under the �These are gross, so I�m trying to get rid of them by bringing them here� category). Then came the Poppycock. Poppycock? I didn�t even know they still made that. But hey, there it was. Poppycock. I just like saying that. C�mon, shout it � you know it�s fun. POPPYCOCK!!! POPPYCOCK!!! Ahem.

Anyway, today was the first day that I actually indulged in any of the goodies, as some Mounds bars and Double Bubble showed up in the designated goodies area. Good choice, Goodies Fairy! The sight of these treats thrilled me since I am still concerned about what was on top of the file cabinet last week. One day there was cheese, which I guess is okay, but I found it to be a little odd in the fact that it�s just laying there uncovered all day. Also? No wine or crackers. But hey, that�s nothing compared to the thing that disturbs me most: lunch meat. One day, there was just a tray full of lunch meat there. And it wasn�t run-of-the-mill lunch meat, either. It looked like processed salami and bologna and things like pimento loaf. Ew. And why?? Who brings in lunch meat as a snack like that? Please assure me that this is not normal. I�m disturbed about it still. Let�s hope the candy kick continues before I find sushi sitting there some day.


** I finished writing this just before I went to lunch today, but didn�t get a chance to post it. While I was eating in the lunch room, a co-worker came in to complain about the candy being out in Goodies Central. Who are these people? Candy is what SHOULD be there, not pastrami! I�m scared. And I can�t wait to see what�s there tomorrow.


None of my friends are watching this show, so I need to discuss it here: That�s it! I�m done rooting for geeks on Beauty and the Geek, because every time I like one, he tends to get eliminated. Thus the continued presence of Richard. Ugh. And Chuck. Bring back that first one, Eric. I don�t know who designated him for geekdom, because he was hot! I would have totally gone out with him. And poor little Joe. Aww. And now I�m going to miss Bill, my little Dukes of Hazzard man. But still, I miss Eric the most. And I refuse to root for Shawn. Someone with good luck do it for me! Thanks. I�ll just root for Richard. [shudder]

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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