Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2006-05-11 || The Pam & The Leto - Together At Last

You know, I don't even know what more to say about The Leto other than my previous statement of "Holy hell, y'all." Boy is ridiculously pretty. I knew that from seeing him last year, but still. There's a reason he's held the title of the 'Male Celebrity I Think Is The Hottest' since 1994. He's utterly beautiful. He doesn't seem to have much going personality-wise, and he's very quiet when he's not on stage performing, but I think that all has a lot to do with the fact that he's very weird. But hey, I love weird, so it's all good. Anyway, let's get to my adventure last night, shall we?

As I mentioned before, I won a radio contest that got me concert tickets and passes to a soundcheck party and Meet n' Greet with Jared's band, 30 Seconds to Mars. By the way, if you like alt rock and haven't heard the band, you should check them out. I got their CD after I saw them last year and they're really good. Yelly, but really good. Jared's a very good screamer. Very in tune. (Head on over to mtv.com and watch their new video for The Kill - it's kind of based on The Shining with the whole hotel and twins thing. At one point Jared throws his twin up against a wall and it looks like they're going to make out and it is unnervingly hot.) Anyhoo - so yeah, he's not one of those actors whose bands suck: his rocks. Sadly for Lucy, she had an exam last night so she couldn't attend this time around, so I grabbed my pal Tommy to go with me. He thinks Jared is dreamy, so I was happy to take him because I wanted to go with someone who would appreciate The Leto as much as me. Actually, I've found that some straight men have a hard time resisiting the lure of the Leto Eyes *cough*Pkers*cough*.

Anyway - the band was running late from a radio interview, so the soundcheck started later than it should have. Because of this, the band was only able to play two songs for us, but then they came down and signed autographs and took pictures. There were only about twenty of us there for the "party" so it wasn't crazy - it was nice and personal, which ruled. Our own personal mini-concert and a meeting with the band - what more could you ask for? (Well, besides a makeout session with Jared, obviously.) And during the Meet n' Greet, no one rushed us out or anything, so it was cool. The guys were all really nice, especially Shannon, aka The Other Leto. Going in, I was afraid that we'd only be able to get a group photo, if any, but that wasn't the case. We could take all the pictures we wanted and each band member came up to us individually, so it worked out quite awesomely. Best contest ever! And God bless Tommy, who came up with the brilliant idea to go back and get another picture with Jared and the two of us in it afterwards, so I got Jared to put his arm around me again. The second time I blurted out, "I LOVE Requiem for a Dream!" and Jared thanked me and patted me on the back after the picture and told me he'd see me later that night at the show. Touched by a Leto - 3 times! Anyway, enough talk - let's just get to the pretty:

Ooh, I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the sound check, Jared complained that we were all standing there and not looking excited, so we yelled and wooed for him. However, Tommy didn't "Woo," so Jared scolded him and made him yell. It was hilarious and awesome. During the Meet n' Greet, Shannon apologized to Tommy and told him that he yelled for him from behind the drums. Jared asked what song we wanted to hear, and I yelled out really loudly, "FROM YESTERDAY!!" Then the other people kept yelling things, but when they stopped he said, "Alright, so we'll play From Yesterday." Yeah, baby. Then they played a song from their first album, which gave him the opportunity to do some good screaming. I made a short video from 3 short clips that I took - it's a little dark, but you can see it here (Complete with a Jared scream and a Pam "Woo!" at the end).

Scream, baby.

Have I mentioned how much I love musicians? I do. Add someone looking like this to the already hot 'musician' thing and my head explodes.

What?? Stop looking at me like that.

This is Tomo, whose twin in the new video is found sitting on a bed with a guy in a bear suit in front of him. When I met him, I mentioned this and asked him if he was a plushie. He just laughed and said no. Hey, you gotta ask, right?

Me & Tomo

This is Matt, who looks totally different in person than he does in the album pictures or in the video.

Shannon, who seemed quite fun. Also? Knew Tino on MSCL. Just saying.

Tommy and Shannon

Tommy said this was going to be his new wallpaper on his phone. I told him my Jared picture is going to be my freaking Christmas card. Speaking of which, Merry Early Christmas:

Heavenly. Can we get a close-up on that one?


before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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