Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-02-07 || Beep beep, oooh yeah
I got honked at on my way to work today.

3 guys in a truck passed me on the highway and gave me a honk and a wave. I happily waved back. That's always appreciated, boys. Don't let any girl tell you that it's not. (I think the only time it's not appreciated is if you follow us or try to talk to us. Just hoot and move along, thank you.) I also wouldn't have minded a "woohoo!" but I understand that it's snowing and probably best to keep your windows up. But it's always nice. I try to do the same if the mood hits and I see a cute guy. Why not? Everybody could use a harmless thrill for the day. It's also nice to know that it wasn't for my hottie best friend and they weren't beeping to make fun of me for singing in my car. I'm a huge car-singer, but I had it under control today. Maybe they liked my new blockhead fuzzy dice. They do rule. Ah, who cares, I got the 3-boy honk. Woo-hoo!

That totally made up for the jerkbag slamming on his brakes in front of me for no real reason at all. Thanks for the mini heart attack there. I think there are only 2 reasons one should slam on your breaks on a busy highway. 1. There is a cow flying at you, a la 'Twister.' 2. Someone jumps out in front of you, and even then you can pull off the swerve instead of the slam. And in the snow, dude. Really. C'mon now. If you had a Massachusetts license plate, I could have just chalked it up to you being another "Masshole" driver. No offense, but you Massachusetts drivers even know you are the worst. Well, you may rank slighty below NYC cab drivers. I keep my eyes on whoever I'm with instead of the road after the time my cab came within a half an inch of a biker. They should really ask you if you'd like to fill out a living will before you board the taxi. I'm thinking driving school for the cab drivers includes playing 'Crazy Taxi' or for you old-schoolers, 'Pole Position' or 'Turbo.' I used to be so proud to have one of the high scores on 'Turbo' at the local Aladdin's Castle. Aww yeah, no one could touch my 13 year-old driving finesse. Dork. I think I should put that on my resume right after 'Can do the robot to any song.' Marketable skills! I don't even know where I was now. Oh yeah, I got honked at! Word!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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