Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-02-14 || Cupid Is a Tool
Ah, Valentine's Day. I've never liked it. Maybe it's from working at a Hallmark store for 5 years. Anyone who thinks Christmas is the busiest shopping time of the year has never been to a Hallmark store on the night before Valentine's Day. It's a mob scene. And the worst part is you can't even hit on the boys because they're all taken. Well, we did get one from time to time buying a card for his mom, but there's always the chance that he may be more than just really nice and he's really gay. Such a shame. One of my aunt's friends used to always say, "There's not enough single men around and now they have to go after each other?" One of my friends tells me that I should never go to a gay bar because I'd be so disappointed in all of the cute guys there. Yes, I'm boy crazy. Is that so wrong?

[Oh, and side note to the writers of 'Ed' - WTF? What did I ever do to you guys? *sniff* Your show has always been one of my favorites! Thanks for writing about my love life this week. Seriously. A mirror.]

Now where was I? Ah, I've finished my first week at the new job. Man, what a booooooring freakin' job. I'm running out of ways to amuse myself. If you'd like to send a clown or a singing gorilla into the office, please feel free. The dollishly evil girl may or may not be planning world domination. She was out on Wednesday and then showed up acting extremely nice on Thursday. I think she's trying to lull me into a false sense of security before she tries to lop off my head with a machete. I'm onto you, sister. There's also a minute possibility that she's actually just really supersweet, but what fun would that be?

Let the weekend begin! I'm just rambling tonight. I'm gonna go check out Daredevil tomorrow, but first and foremost my main plan is sleeping in. Sleep rules! I have to get up early on Sunday (bastard!) so I think I should stay in bed extra late tomorrow. That's only fair, right? I still can't look at Jennifer Garner without thinking of her playing Hannah on 'Felicity' and Felicity yelling at Noel, "You have a Hannah?" No one ever gets that. Ah well. It's all in the way she said it. The yawn-demon is taking over right now so I don't even know what I'm saying. Maybe I should go to bed. Good idea, Pam. I'm just going to keep one eye open in case the dolls strike. On guard!

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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