Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-02-16 || Snowballed
So we're getting another huge snowstorm tomorrow. This sucks. I'm not a big fan of the snow. It's been so nice the last few years having next to none. I think we're paying for it this year. You know what the worst part about snow is? It severely limits your shoe choice. I want to wear all of my fun shoes! Snow bastards.

At least if it does snow a lot and I'm stuck in the house I can entertain myself with pamie's Valentine's Day poems. She never disappoints. You can check them out at http://www.pamie.com if you're snowed in, too. Or if you're bored. Or curious. If they don't show up, look for the Feb. 13th entry.

Anyhoo, what a lazy Sunday night. I'm very much looking forward to the 300th episode of The Simpsons tonight, though. That show is just so freakin' good. Entertainment Weekly had an article on the 25 best episodes a couple of weeks back, and while they did include the classic 'Cape Feare' episode, they forgot about Sherry Bobbins and the Bart's Day/Homer's Day/Lisa's Day one. Ooh, I love those. I'm still mad at myself for forgetting to tape Inside the Actor's Studio last week with the whole cast on. I only caught the last half. Oh, and did you all see that 'The Surreal Life' got picked up for another season? Woohoo! Let's hope they listen to me and call Corey Haim. And speaking of reality TV, the angry mobs will probably be putting down their torches and pitchforks for a couple of hours tomorrow night for the Joe Millionaire finale. Screw you, FOX for that clip show last week. At least tell us you're going to do it like Survivor does. And I was so happy when watching the new Survivor that my contestant to root for this year is not an ass. I checked them all out on the web before the premiere and decided to root for Alex because he and I share the same favorite movie. Anyone who has a dear place in his heart for 'Better Off Dead' is okay in my book. That'll get you a high ranking in there, right under "people who like garden gnomes" and carnies. I do love me some carnies. Go Alex!

Now it's off to hunker down and ridicule the weathermen on TV. "You'd better all get to the store and get your bread and milk! Run! Now! Run! Go!" It's ridiculous. People are pushing you out of the way in the grocery store like it's 1985 and there are Cabbage Patch Kids on the shelves. It's a few hours of snow, people. Good Lord. Now clear the chocolate aisle, here I come....

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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