Everything's More Fun In Pigtails!
2003-03-17 || Shamrocks and Showers
Erin Go Bragh!

Well, I'm half Irish so I suppose I have to say that. Good news - I found someone to go see Willard with me over the weekend, and it was as entertaining as I had hoped. I also see that most of my friends would not have enjoyed it. "Ewww" and "Aaauggh" would have been the sounds du jour. But man, that Crispin Glover rules. He's a total nutjob. I love it. He was on Letterman Thursday night, and what a freakin' weirdo. I would totally date him.

Sunday I had to go to a baby shower, and it wasn't actually that bad because it was for one of my best friends. But other than that all baby and bridal showers are the work of the devil. They have to be. Boys, be glad you have a penis and therefore don't have to attend such things. They are insufferable. I think the worst one I went to was for one of my cousins. It was a baby shower, and my mom and I were 2 of the only 4 guests who came. Other than my cousin and the 2 people giving the shower, that was pretty much it. And it was at another cousin's new house that they had probably moved into about 3 weeks before. What did I do? Oh yes, tracked in a loooong trail of dog crap. It was just pretty much par for the course that day. However, the worst part about that shower was that people involved didn't know it was that bad. How do people enjoy these things? Does anyone even want the favors? Do we like to sit around and watch someone open all gifts they already picked out beforehand when they went to register? Are we supposed to get that excited over seeing someone unwrap a nipple pump? I don't think so. And don't even get me started on the stupid party games they pull out at some of these shindigs. [shudder] The greatest 3 years of my life was back when I was in college and my part-time job required me to work every Sunday afternoon. That's the prime time for these evil events to take place. I missed so many, it was heaven. And watch out for the cruel circle of pain. 5 bridal showers one year = 5 baby showers within the next 2. It never stops. The evil keeps breeding. Someone fed Gizmo after midnight and now you're on the preferred mailing list at Kitchens Etc. and Babies R Us. Run away! Run far, far away! Well, either that or get a job on Sundays.

before & after

2007-09-26 - Follow Me!
2006-09-30 - Site Move & Favorite Entries
2006-09-25 - Evil Easter Bunnies & Rock Climbing!
2006-09-22 - Shameful-Purchase Hiding & A New Dentist Plan
2006-09-19 - Birthday Picture/Video Diary & The Wheelmobile

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